
hello everyone. we were in london for the preadmission clinic for my husband john's triple bi-pass. we were told he would be called in 2-4 weeks. he is totally blocked in two valves. well he is to show up to-morrow for the second bipass that day. the surgeon is very good a dr. martin goldbach. he is married to a news announcer in london. he told john how she gets up and is picked up every a.m. at 3 am and then after lunch returns home to watch her children and care for them. some people are so here is hoping all goes well. he is 66 and otherwise in good health. he does not smoke or drink either and is only a little overwight so all in all good. i ask for your prayers during this stressful time. thanky you maureen


You're in my thoughts...

by admin - 2007-09-11 08:09:10


Please be assured you and your husband are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep us informed.


Many Prayers

by cottontop - 2007-09-11 09:09:33


I wish all the best for your husband's bypass surgery. Both of you will be in my prayers. Please keep is updated as soon as you can.

God bless you,


You know it!

by ela-girl - 2007-09-11 09:09:35

If there are people you can count on for prayer, Jessie, you know it's the fine people of the PM Club! Hang in there and let us know something when you can.


Thinking of you!

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2007-09-11 10:09:53

Dear Maureen
Just sent you a private message.My thoughts and prayers go out to you and John.I am sure everything will go well
Keep us in touch with how things go.I know so many people lately who are having or had bypass surgery.
I am sure John will get through this as he sounds like he takes care of himself which will speed his recovery.
Love and best wishes to you and John
Take care- your friend from downunder Kay

I too wish you the very best!

by bambi - 2007-09-12 01:09:45

Hi Maureen,
WOW, that was a quick turn of events! I'm glad this is being done sooner than later! It was making me nervous knowing of John's blockages and delaying surgery for too long! I will be holding you and Valerie and John in constant prayer today. I hope you will wait during your husband's surgery somehow feeling our love and concern wrapping around you! And most importantly, know that God will be with you, holding your hand and John's heart!

You're amazing

by valerie - 2007-09-12 05:09:14

I just sent you email (dont worry, I'm not stalking you [insert shifty eyes here]) jk
Maureen, you are such a strong person and as you can see by all these replies, you are well loved here. I'm sure you know by now that we are all praying for you and your husband during this time. I can tell that you love him dearly.
I'm glad that Dr. Goldbach is excellent. I think we would all like to have an update from you via television. Ask his wife to broadcast your story to us since she's with the news :)
Anyway, again, dont worry b/c you have many prayers coming your way. Please keep us posted on how it goes.
take care,

I second that!

by Stepford_Wife - 2007-09-12 12:09:38

Dear Maureen.

I include my thoughts and prayers along with everyone else's, to ensure a good outcome to John's surgery.
You have the love and support of a lot of people on this forum.
Don't hesitate to share your concerns and worries, if you need to. We are here to help in any way we can.
Cathy, although you are not able to be with your mom at this time, I'm sure she knows you care, and has made sure that your dad knows it too. Nothing is better than the love of family to overcome obstacles.. Be strong for the two of them, they will need a lot of support in the days to come.
Take care,

~ Dominique ~


by Cathy - 2007-09-12 12:09:52

Hi Everyone,

My mom is a totally amazing women. My dad is going into by-pass tomorrow and I was reading some of the wishes and prayers that many of you have sent. I really appreciate that she has you, because I am so far away and it gives me comfort that she has become close to many of you. Thank you for all your wishes and prayers. I know he will be okay. On another note, Christine, I too spent the day thinking about 9/11 and when it all comes down to it we have to grateful for what we have, what we have lost and what we gain by being good, kind, forgiving and a basic human being. I think if there was more of that this world might be a better place for our children.



by jessie - 2007-09-13 09:09:11

hi everyone, i am at the days inn in london and there is a computer. he is doing okay! his b.p. is a bit low but to-morrow he may be moved out of cardiac icu. they have assured me he is doing well. thanks for all the prayers. you have no idea. i read christine's post and it made me sad to think of 911 and all who lost their lives. i pray that the whole world could forget about religion. i pray that everyone could practice the religion they wish and get along and don't use it to be cruel and kill others but that everyone could put religion aside and get along and noone would ever know what religion you were and it wouldn't matter if you were no religion. that was my prayer when i read that. then our children our grandchildren and our great grandchildren could live in peace in this world. thank you maureen thanks for all the support and thanks to my daughter cathy

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