Marathon Success

Just so everyone knows, you can maintain an active life with a PM. I just completed my first ever 2007 Boston Marathon in 5 hrs with no issues or complications. I also trained with the Polar F2 heart rate monitor without issue. What a feeling crossing that finish line !


Oh Yeah!

by randrews - 2007-05-01 01:05:49

That is awesome hawk. I got my pm 6 weeks ago. A month before I was to try my first marathon. I'd love to hear the answers to Cathryn's questions. I'd also be curious about issues you had with the pm in training. Why did you get the pm? Any other physical issues you dealt with?
Boston huh. Theres not much left now to accomplish, except maybe the Western States 100 haha.
Congratualation, that is too cool.


by admin - 2007-05-01 08:05:37

Thanks for insipring us. Do you have any photos to share? If so, I could post your story and photos in an up coming newsletter. Just let me know.


You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic man.

Member Quotes

I live an extremely normal life now and my device does NOT hinder me in any way.