Learning to Live with a PM

Learning to live with a pacemaker has been different for me to say the least. I initially contracted an infection where my pm was placed. Now that I'm passed that my shoulder is black and blue and the site of the pm is sensitve to the touch, should I be concerned? I'm also finding it very difficult to sleep. Some days I have good energy and other days I feel like my energy is just zapped. I have nureo cardiogenic vasalvega syncope. So does anyone have an opinion regarding my concerns? I'm so glad that I found this site. I'm also a motorcycle rider and have not rode since last September. I'm also wondering if there are any motorcyle riders out there who have a pm? Look forward to getting the response.


living with a PM

by bambi - 2007-04-04 11:04:55

Hi Latgre,
With your history of infection at the pm site, I would be concerned and get it checked out. I know that when my first pm was placed, my shoulder, and chest was sore for close to a year. After the second one, and then subsequent openings of the pocket incision, it was less sore each time. As for riding your motorcycle, as long as your Dr. has put no restrictions on you, go for it! I've been amazed and encouraged at how normal life can be with a pacemaker! I do everything from climbing mountains, hiking, mission trips, teaching 20 ballet classes a week [fully demonstrating], to swimming and kayaking! Go ahead and enjoy what you love to do! Have a wonderful day! Bambi

Riding Bikes is no Problem

by Butch - 2007-04-05 02:04:41

Dirt bikes and four wheelers would cause some jarring, but riding street bikes a month or 2 after surgery isn`t bad. Your leads are all scarred up in tissue by then and not moving anymore. I rode before a month was up. Now its been over a year and I ride four wheelers dirt bikes and dont even think about it.
How long ago did you get your PM ?

New to the PM world

by Latgre - 2007-04-06 02:04:07

I have had my pm since Feb5, 2007. My Dr. did put me on antibiotics while I was in the hospital. When they discovered I had an infection I went back on antibiotics. My Dr is quite old fashion and he dont want me to drive a care, but "the devil is a lier" I'm believing I will be able to do al of the things that I did before. With great confidence

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