Had the 2nd surgery after 10 days

Hi eveyone,
I got my first PM 4 weeks ago, I have 3rd degree of heart block which I noticed it about month ago. I was shocked when I heard that for the first time. Right after 7 days, I played soccer for about 30 min. I could not run much but I just wanted to convince myself that I am still alive! And can move, sine I love soccer and running. 2 days after I played soccer again for about 1hr. I went home and then the symptoms that I had before PM started. At the hospital they said the lead has been repositioned and I need another surgery to get it fixed. It is now about 3 weeks since the 2nd operation.
I am thinking to wait for the 6th week to come and then start running again, do you think if that’s enough or I should wait more? I am 37yr old and have sigma vdd303 PM.
Do you know if I can run the same as before PM? If so, how long it would take?
Thanks in advance for any comment.


oh boy!

by boatman50 - 2007-04-25 03:04:38

Your kidding right? Didn't the hospital give you discharge instructions saying to take it easy for at least 6 weeks? Keep your pm side arm below shoulder level also? Well either did mine for the first operation and I was sent home the day after the operation with instructions to keep it dry ffor a few days. The second night home I was in bad pain and it turns out a lead had pierced my heart. I had to be sent into NYC to have it fixed and boy did they let me know to take it easy for 6 weeks, keep my arm down for some time and in general give enough time to let the scars form over the leads to keep them in place. If you don't want to go back again for surgery I would suggest you rest for at least 6 weeks and get back into exercise gradually after that with doctors approval! Good Luck, Boatman

I hear that!

by dandelle3 - 2007-04-25 04:04:39

I know where your coming from. I'm the exact same way. I'm 22 and had 3 stents put in last september with a PM 2 weeks later. I tried playing soccer like a week later. It was embarrassing. You just gotta rest up. I know its tough for people like us cause we always want to be moving around but just take it easy and gradually get back into it.

Hi Rob

by randrews - 2007-04-25 10:04:32

I ran a week after my pm was put in because my doctor said I could. It was ok. Then the nurse called me and said I really shouldn't be running. So I haven't...much. When I do, I run real slow and take it real easy. Like you, I need to, just to show I'm still alive. I'm coming up on 6 weeks and I hope to get back into it. I have noticed that after I run my bpm is up for a few hours after and then my chest aches for a day or so. After 6 weeks off, I think I will begin by walking long distances and on trails to help my heart adjust as well as my knees and achillies. I also think I will carry a cell phone with my from now on.
Be smart and never do anything today that will keep you from running tomorrow.
Take care,

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