what just happened???

Hi there. Just sleeping away down here in Australia at about 1 am, when something happened!!!

I was lying on my tummy sound asleep when I was awakened by something electrical, a bit like a small electical shock and a noise like a zzzzzzzzzz. At first I thought "oh ___" what was that!!?%&#*

Well I am truly awake now and am about to look through the site to see if I can find as answer. If anyone else is out there and can help me I'd appreciate it.

I have a Medtronic ICD implanted July 4 2007. It would be far more likely that my heart was beating too slow, than too fast. Or it was experiencing an irregular rhythm from way too slowness, if you can understand my meaning.

I'll ring my cardio in the morning coz I'm OK, just scared a bit. And I'm sure they'll say it's all in my head!! LOL



Another Aussie

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2007-07-30 09:07:53

Hi Jeffia
I am from Melb.Aust.where are you.?
Sorry I cant help you but let us know how you go with your cardio today.Crikey you must have got one hell of a fright when that happened!!
I have got a guidant dual pacer.I got it april,04 as my heart rate was really slow and stopped a couple of times.I have SSS..Feeling great now but the first few months were a bit scary.
Hope all goes well for you. Take care Kay

G'day Kay

by Jeffia - 2007-07-31 04:07:05

Hello Kay

Newcastle, NSW here - home of the Pasha Bulker - or was. Thankfully they were able to pull that huge ship off our beautiful Nobby's Beach, without an environmental disaster!

Thanks for writing to me. In the early hours of this morning, here on the east coast, I experienced a real sensation of electricity thru my body, and I was AWAKE after that for ages.

I was hoping some kind soul would have some idea of what was happening to me (on here). I revisited the book and the pamphlet my doctor gave me, but the answers were not specific enough to answer my query.

Anyhow, rang Doctor, and received message back via phone that there was no plausible explanation for my electrical dilemma. Apparently if my ICD is going to zap me, I'm only going to feel the real BOOT!

I just knew this would be the answer, and that nobody in my doctor world, would believe me. My ICD is a Medtronic Virtuoso. I'm going to try searching the net.

I don't know anyone else with an ICD I can talk to except on here. My heart goes slow (like yours?) about 42% of the time.

I'm really happy things have turned out well for you, as I'm sure they will for me soon.

Stay well, Jeffi

Hi Jeffi

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2007-07-31 09:07:53

Hi Jeffi
Sorry that you havent got a answer to your electrical dilemma yet.I know that a few people have had strange things happen with ICDs and Pacemakers and the doctors just brush it off as-"That couldnt have been caused by your pacemaker!"
I hope you find an answer as it would be a bit scary if it happens again.

Glad you got rid of the Pasha Bulker.I think it would have made a great floating restaurant though!!
I live in Carrum close to the beach.It is so cold and windy here at the moment.Still not a lot of rain to fill up the water catchments though.
Anyway you take care and I am sure you will get a lot of support from this great website as I have!
Happy pacing-Kay

That may be it.

by Stepford_Wife - 2007-07-31 11:07:20

Hi Jeffi.

I don't have an ICD, I have a Medtronic pacemaker. I checked my patient manual, because I remembered reading something in the instructions regarding applying pressure on the PM.
This is what it says:
" Do not put direct pressure on your pacemaker. For example, do not lie face down on, press on, or manipulate ( twiddle ) your pacemaker."
Since you were asleep on your stomach, may be the applied pressure triggered the feeling you felt.
I'm sure that would apply for an ICD as well. Simple explanation, easy remedy. Hopefully.
Take care,

~ Dominique ~

There illbe a record

by Chaskar - 2007-08-02 10:08:46

Hi Jeffia,

I'm in Canberra and also had an ICD implanted (only a week ago).

My cardiologist stressed that they can check any activity as the ICD records unusual heart activity (depending on how it is programmed) and will certainly have a record of any pacing or shock activity.

I'd get it checked as soon as possible. They should be able to explain exactly what happened. Sounds like you may have had a low level shock.

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