Heart rate monitor, Aktivity tracker, Chest strap and pacemaker: bostons information; what is your expierence or knowledge

Boston technical service:

As you may see from our online EMI Guide*,


...the recommendation for “Activity Tracker” or "Heart Rate Monitor" devices is to “Use Precaution” and keep minimum distance of 15cm from implanted device.
For any device in which the recommendation is to “use precautions”. Check with your doctor for detailed information before using these items. 

Use precaution: : Maintain 6 inches (15 cm) distance between chest strap or wrist monitor. Suggest rotating chest band to opposite side, away from device implant site.



by stevebne - 2022-11-16 20:22:37

Always best to check with your cardiologist, but I have not had any issues at all with a HRM-PRO - Garmin Heart Rate Monitor. I am a triathlete and train around 10 hours a week with the strap on my chest and have a BS PM.


by AgentX86 - 2022-11-16 21:56:45

Companies employ lawyers to keep them out of legal trouble.  Lawyers specialize in disclaimers.  Lawyers need to justify their existence.  So...

Passive devices aren't going to harm you or your pacemaker.  Heart rate monitors, of all types, are passive devices so don't worry about them.  Things to avoid are appliances that pass electricity through the body, including BMI calculating scales and TENS units.  TENS units can be used on the extremities with doctor's supervision. BMI scales aren't worth any risk.

The avalanche of product warnings (CA Prop 65 and "if allergic to X, do not take X")  desensitize us to important warnings. 99% of these warnings are boilerplate CYA. That doesn't mean they all are.  There lie the dragons.


My experience? I am about to find out

by Gemita - 2022-11-17 09:46:05

Thank you Right Pace Make Peace.  It is good to be reminded of the potential interference to our pacemakers our devices may pose and the steps we can take to reduce this as far as possible.  

As a matter of fact I am just about to get a new iPad Air and latest iPhone (well I have to treat myself sometimes) since both batteries are beginning to fail now on my old devices.  I have been reading as much as I can about the magnets the new devices contain and how to best avoid any potential interference with my pacemaker.  I think I can keep myself safe if I adhere to the safe distances.  I attach a helpful PDF link below which is extremely reassuring:


…. And what do you know about bluetooth - interference

by The Right Pace Make Peace - 2022-11-19 07:03:48

Thank you all for your informativaly answers!

(...is the magnetic power of Iphone enouph for therapeutic use, for example to interrupt electrical storm for everyone insider?!) 

But what is about the interaction technic from all the stuff, we use, like bluetooth or other? Are the monitors, headphones, watches, handys really passiv?

Bosoton says:

Use precautions: As this wireless technology usually uses Bluetooth, maintain at least 
a 6 inch (15 cm) separation between the activity tracker and implanted device due to 
Bluetooth technology. This is a device or application that may track steps taken, 
distance walked or run, calories consumed, and in some cases heartbeat and quality 
of sleep. The tracker may be synchronized, in many cases wirelessly, to a computer or 
smartphone. In some activity trackers, heart rate is measured 2 ways: 1) By LED lights 
which reflect onto the skin to detect blood volume changes or 2) by using a chest 
strap which measures and sends the heart rate to a wrist watch.


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