Monitoring 'events'

I was recently advised that I had five 'events' three while at rest, two during activity.  The longest one lasting 11 seconds.   I have no idea what an 'event' is.  Should I be concerned?   I asked my cardiologist this question and was told it was 'nothing to worry about' with no other explanation.   If anyone can give me some details about this I would really appreciate it.  Thank you.


post script

by zoey - 2023-01-05 11:49:45

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have Medtronic monitoring after I received a pacemaker (for a low heart rate) back in September 2022.

post script

by new to pace.... - 2023-01-05 12:48:36

you can edit your orginal post. put your addtional on that one.

if your cardio is not concerned you do not have to worry.  When you have your quartely transmission it will show up on the report.  Also what type it is.  You can ask for the report , I ask for the log of events, rather then get the whole report.

new to pace

An event

by Gemita - 2023-01-05 13:52:02

Zoey, as New to Pace says, if your EP is not worried about five events, none lasting longer than 11 seconds, then you shouldn't be too concerned either.

An Event is usually a recorded high heart rate arrhythmia episode.  My doctors wouldn't be worried about these short episodes either, particularly if all episodes are of atrial origin?

A couple of questions you could ask your Cardiologist/EP if you are looking for immediate answers:-

(1) Could you please confirm the arrhythmia present during the recorded 5 short event episodes and could you confirm whether the arrhythmia was an atrial or a ventricular arrhythmia?

(2) Could you please confirm the highest/lowest heart rate recorded during these five events and the date they occurred.

(3) Could you please advise whether these events need treating with a rate control or anticoagulant medication?

How do you feel Zoey?  Were you aware of any symptoms during the period you were monitored.  For example, did you by chance make a note of the time and date you felt any symptoms?  In the future, this will be useful so that you can correlate any symptoms to your arrhythmias

Had an event

by Lavender - 2023-01-05 15:06:08

At my recent pacemaker check they said I had an event. The pacemaker parameters are set up to collect information if the heart changes from what is preset. Mine is set 60 to 130. I asked them what date it was and the time. 

When I got home, I checked my calendar and realized what it was.  I had a dr appointment at that time and day. I had run up three flights of stairs to the appointment. (Severe claustrophobia and I avoid elevators). I did recall my heart pounding but it settled down so I wasn't concerned. Neither was the cardiologist. My heart was beating faster than the parameters set. 


High heart rate episodes

by Slowdive - 2023-01-05 16:43:59

Hi Zoey! 

Our daughter (8) also had a lot of these events. The doc told me the exact dates and times. We could figure out it happened often when running fast on the playground with her friends. There are no PM for kids so she got an adult one, sometimes her rate was very high, up to 200, but the doc said we don't have to worry. 

I'm sure you can also trust your cardio and all is good. I would recommend you also ask for the dates of your events, maybe you remember your activity.

Questions, questions

by Gotrhythm - 2023-01-06 13:18:55

Maybe I'm too prickly, but when I'm told "Don't worry about it" without explanation, what I hear is, "Don't you worry your pretty little head." ( you dumb little over-emotional female that I don't want to use up my valuable time with)

Okay. That's me. But it's this simple, it's your body. If you want to know, you have a right to know, and to make your own decisions about what to worry about. It's also, in my opinion, rational to be curious about this gizmo installed in your body, and to wish to understand it and what it does. 

That said, I have found that pacemaker techs are often much more forthcoming with information and willing to answer specific questions about what might be showing up on reports. You might want to ask the tech at your next interrogation what the "events" were, what the parameters for flagging them are, and if there are any other kinds of "events" that are flagged.

The more you know, the better questions you will ask, and the more respect you will get from medical personelle. And that translates to better treatment.


Well said!

by zoey - 2023-01-06 14:02:49

Thank you for your wise advice.   

I second that Gotrhythm

by Gemita - 2023-01-06 14:17:32

and you are certainly not being too prickly.  That is exactly what I hear also and it always angers me.

However, and you knew that was coming, it is important to remember that unless we have symptoms, an 11 second run of a high heart rate that terminates on its own can be very common and normal even in those without pacemakers.

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