Generator change

I got my new generator this weekend via the ER. I'm feeling SO MUCH better than I was when my Adapta pm was in ERI (battery save) mode. The cardiologist explained that when it goes into the ERI the pm is not in sync with my natural pacing so if I pace at the same moment as my natural beat they block the blood flow. That forces the blood up into the carotid so that's why I was feeling it so strongly in my throat sometimes. Pacemaker syndrome symptoms are pretty uncomfortable and I was exhausted, dizzy sometimes, had some neck pulsation, and lethargy. The doctor also said the ERI can sometimes cause other heart issues so I'm glad we went to the ER. My cardiologist and her staff also urged me to go when something was off and not wait until I could talk to them and I'm glad I followed their advice. I'm a little sore and its itchy, but my heart rate is back to what it should be. Hooray!



by PacedNRunning - 2023-01-18 04:13:50

That sounds terrible. I'm due for a battery change in 10 mos. My doctor promised me I wouldn't go into ERI mode. I hope he's right! Glad all is well for you and you are feeling better. 

Glad you are back to feeling normal again

by Gemita - 2023-01-18 04:24:27

Tina, I am sorry to hear you had to go to ER to get this sorted.  That in itself must have been traumatic.  I cannot imagine our ER department in the UK doing this for me, but you clearly made the right call and I am glad you are feeling more comfortable now.  Shame on your clinic or (insurance company?) for letting things get so bad before approving a replacement device, forcing you to take direct action.

I hope you recover well.  So glad you have relief from your symptoms and you are safe again.  

Whew what a relief!

by Lavender - 2023-01-18 09:47:45

It's a shame it got to that level of discomfort before your device was changed. I recall when I was a kid, being told that when your boo-boo got itchy-it meant it was healing. I hope "itchy" means healing well for you.

Now it's time to update your profile and say you are on your second device. Time flies! Be well and God bless your recovery ❤️‍🩹 

Glad it all worked out well

by Persephone - 2023-01-20 20:11:24

Good for you for rising to the challenge and taking care of it under less than ideal circumstances. So many ERs are overpressed currently and it can be a very difficult experience. I know we all have different "clocks" for ERI, but any advice you'd like to share about how to maybe avoid the ER route?

I hope you continue to feel better each day.

Persephone's question

by Tinawired - 2023-01-20 22:30:44

I suggest talking with your cardiologist ahead of time and having a plan in p!ace. If you're in the US, work with your insurance company and make sure your doctor and hospital are in-network. Going to the ER isn't ideal, but my cardiologist and her staff always preach going to the ER if things aren't right, so I followed that advice. My pm was in ERI and that was comoeting with my natural heart beat, meaning the blood  flow was getting blocked from getting sent through my body and could only go up into my neck to the carotid. So very uncomfortable and worrisome. The ER cardiologist told me if that continues it can cause other heart problems so I'm glad I didn't wait. My initial pm was also via the ER as I passed out at home, wasn't breathing and my husband couldn't find a pulse. My heart rate was in the 20s at the hospital. At least this time I didn't need an ambulance! My new pm will NOT go into ERI, it will give a vibration as a warning that the battery is getting liw, but will continue to work with my heart instead of the horrible battery-saving mode. I hope this info helps.

Thank you Persephone and Tina for the question and answer

by Gemita - 2023-01-22 05:26:25

Tina, I am glad ER was able to confirm the problem so quickly and appropriate action was taken.  I have heard that misdiagnosis of symptoms due to battery depletion can happen, so I am glad ER was spot on.  

I guess there is no real way of knowing when the battery is dangerously low during ERI unless the device can vibrate or send out a bleep/warning or something like this, so all we can really go on is our symptoms.  And a sudden change in our symptoms will hopefully alert us of the problem well before it becomes an emergency.  What symptoms to look for?  Perhaps the same symptoms we experienced when we needed a pacemaker, like new or worsening arrhythmias,  breathlessness, dizziness, syncope, extreme fatigue, volatile blood pressure and heart rate and any others anyone wants to add?

Yes having a plan is so important and having frequent pacemaker checks at the hospital or remotely will be necessary too, although clearly early battery change (during ERI) may not happen so early when our hospitals are under so much pressure, so it is for us to keep pushing if we have worrisome symptoms.

As a matter of fact my doctors always recommend I go to ER when I suffer deteriorating symptoms with my tachy arrythmias and certainly if they should ever again cause chest pain, breathlessness or syncope.  

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