Right side PM implant

I am a very active 71 year old male with a recent PM implant due to heart block. I am left handed in some activities and right handed in others. PM was implanted in right side due to to potential impact from firearms on left side. 
My electro- cardiologist told me not to do pushups or overhead weightlifting due to wear and tear on leads. Any others with similar issues or restrictions?



by Tracey_E - 2023-01-27 15:58:33

Every doctor I've ever had has said it's perfectly safe to do push ups, pull ups, weights. Some doctors put restrictions on it, but many do not. I have one working lead that is coming up on 30 years old. 

Caveat, if your box is just under the collarbone and just under the skin, don't do anything with weights that puts direct pressure on the box, leads, or collarbone. So, be careful with front rack in that case.

Some people are more comfortable switching to dumbbells or kettlebells instead of barbells. Me, I love the barbells and have never had a problem. 

Right-side PM

by Good Dog - 2023-01-27 16:58:46

I cannot say with certainty, but I suspect the reason for the restriction is based upon where the lead placement is in relation to your sternum. My cardiologist told me that he was opposed to locating a PM on the right-side due to the fact that we have very little tissue at the point where it crosses the sternum. The leads can be routed behind the sternum (retrosternal) or above the sternum (presternal). As I understand it, they are usually routed above the sternum, because it is quicker and simpler. The point being; that there is very little tissue above the sternum and therefore, shallow placement of the leads that leaves them much more exposed to wear and tear from the breast bone.

I could be incorrect, because I am only passing along information second-hand from my Doc. I certainly don't claim to know any more than you on this subject. So take it for what it is worth. In any case; it is a really important question to pose to your Doc. 



Right-side PM

by Wittlydogood - 2023-01-28 16:49:26

Thanks for the response Good Dog. My leads were actually placed behind sternum. Dr is concerned with movements that put elbows behind the chest (as in push ups) and full extension above my head (as in pull downs).  Also, he doesn't like the exercises with many reps as in push ups. Too much flexing of the leads. 

Good News

by Good Dog - 2023-01-28 17:38:01

Well, based on my understanding of the best lead placement for right-side PM's, it sounds like your Doc served you very well. I have read that placing leads behind the sternum also requires more skill than those routed in front of the sternum. I really don't know much about restrictions in general, but even less with a right-side implant. Though, repetitive exercises that would involve repetitive flexing of the leads seem an obvious concern.

I have had my leads for 36+ years now. About 20 years ago in my early 50's I was doing 300 to 400 pushups along with some other exercises every-other morning. I was doing that for many years until as I approached my 60's, I wore-out my right shoulder. I ended-up requiring a shoulder replacement. My point is; that after all those years of repeatitive exercises that definitely would have put a lot of wear and tear on my leads, they are still functional (I am knocking on wood now). I don't know what that says, but I am not complaining! Frankly, none of my Cardiologists over the years have placed any restrictrions on me at all. 

Thank for your response. I wish you nothing, but the very best.



Right Side PM

by Lurker - 2023-01-28 17:49:17

I told the surgeon I was left handed and slept on my left side so wanted it on the right side.  He looked at me said "No" three seconds later he said "yes" just wait here while we move things around in the OR. like I'm going to go somewhere. I'm laying on a bed with an IV drip.
I just got usual sheet with limitations on it. 
I have read somewhere that some surgeons say it's easier to implant on the right side. 



Right-sided pacemaker

by Julros - 2023-01-28 20:22:10

I have a right-sided pacer because I am left-handed. The wires do not cross over my sternum. They are threaded beneath my collarbone, and into my right subclavian vein. I suppose at some point they must pass between my 1st and second rib. No doctor has restricted me from push-ups or overhead weights. 


by Good Dog - 2023-01-29 13:40:53

This thread has been very enlightening for me. I've actually learned enough to consider the possibilty of moving my PM to the right side as opposed to attempting to extract my ancient leads. My former cardiologist did not want to consider that option and his rational back then doesn't seem to make sense now that I understand a little more. I am sure that there are other considerations, but I will pose the question to my new cardiologist when I see him. 

I appreciate those that posted here and hope there are more.



Right Side PM Placement

by Wittlydogood - 2023-01-29 22:15:09

I really appreciate everybody's comments. They make me feel like I can start exercising again. Since I am so new to this PM thing, only had it since 8/14/2022 I am still trying to be conservative. My installation is actually similar to what Julius described above but he said it way better than I could have. 
Thanks again!

Right Side PM Placement

by RogerK - 2023-02-08 10:58:46

I was told not to raise my left arm (left-side implant) above my shoulder for 6 weeks and to not lift anything greater than 10 lbs for 4 weeks.  

I am now 3-months post-implant and am back to training in the pool intensely as a competitive swimmer and in the gym without any limits at all.  I started both activities slowly and ramped-up pretty quickly as I saw that my new "body" responded without any issues.

Best of luck!!

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