The dreaded Induction

Hi People,

I have just joined this club - didn't know it existed so pleasantly surprised.

I have a Medtronic Azure S DR MRI pacemaker (W3DR01) and am unsure if iyt has any protection from induction hobs as everyone seems to have onbe these days?

I am also designing a new kitchen for us and am unsure whether or not I can use induction.

Any comments welcome.




Inductoin stoves (Hobbs is Calvin's Tiger)

by AgentX86 - 2023-02-16 14:54:50

Maybe.  It's not all that clear and there are arguments on both sides. 

If the element is completely covered by the pan, the stray fields are negligable because all of the energy is going into the pan and what's in it.  If the pan is off the stove, it senses that there is no load so shuts off.  The issue is an off-centered pan or a small one.  The element senses that there is a pan to heat so turns on.  At the same time, the magnetic field is allowed to leak from the uncovered element.

Since I'm dependent and have a unipolar LV lead, I wouldn't go near one.

This isn't simple like most of these issues but there is a pretty good paper here:


For a less technical article:


Induction hobs

by Aberdeen - 2023-02-17 11:50:54

I had a new kitchen installed with an induction hob just a year before my first pacemaker. I was unsure about using it once I had the pacemaker but apparently if you have a pan with a rubber handle it is safe. I can't verify this.

I try to stay as far back from the hob as I can and often I get my husband to lift the pan off!

 I did consider replacing it but I really like induction hobs. I did ask about them at the pacemaker clinic and they said to stay well back from the hob. Also not many people had asked that question!

I have the same pacemaker

by quikjraw - 2023-02-17 12:22:08

Hi Ross

I have the same pacemaker as you do and my information suggests I need to stay at least 60cm away from an induction hob.

I really wanted an induction hob but I have done a fair bit of research and it's simply not worth it.

Most things are about balance of risk and for me it is balancing pacemaker damage/health risk v slightly more efficient cooking than a ceramic hob. 

The benefit is not worth the risk in my opinion. 

Thank you

by - 2023-02-17 12:55:22

Just a note to say thank you for the comments on this - I am also inclined to put safety first and stay with a ceramic hob rather than take the risks apparent with induction.

Thanks again all


What is an "hob"???

by Good Dog - 2023-02-17 15:40:13

I do not claim to be really smart or worldly, but at the age of 74 one would think that I would have learned by now what an "hob" is? However, I have no idea! After reading this post I assume it has something to do with a cooking utensil/device. At first, I thought it was an acronym for something, but I don't know. This post made me crazy trying to figure it out!! Is this an English thing?

What is an hob?????? And why don't I know that?



by Aberdeen - 2023-02-17 17:49:02

Dave, A hob is a British term, it's the part where we cook with pots or pans. Is it called a stovetop in America?It's usually separate from the oven or stove in American terms.

Unfortunately I got my induction hob just a year before my pacemaker. I am researching a special glove you can use while touching the pan handle and am going to continue to stay well back from it.

Glove or rubber handles

by AgentX86 - 2023-02-17 21:53:41

The hand or conduction isn't the potential problem, rather the magnetic field used to heat.  The magnetic field can't be stopped without a large amount of iron. Distance does matter but it's hard to cook from across the room.😉

induction cooking

by ourswimmer - 2023-02-19 17:40:50

I have an induction range and I have not noticed that it causes any problems with my pacemaker. I am our household's main cook.

Per the abstract, the authors of the linked PubMed article drew their conclusions about possible danger by measuring "current passing through the body of a grounded patient touching a metal pot." I use heatproof plastic or wood utensils, not metal. If I have to touch a pot handle while the induction is on, I use a silicone rubber glove (like you might wear while grilling, to prevent burns) rather than a cloth towel or potholder.

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I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didnÂ’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.