Pacemaker replacement

Ok so I got my Pacemaker put in May of 2022. In know this is early to ask but I can't get it out of my mind. When they replace the one I have do they lay you down just like they did when it was implanted? Or do they sit you up in a ewclined chair of some type. The reason I ask this is when they put mine in they strapped my left arm to my side palm up and it really hurt my shoulder and around my shoulder blade. Very intense pain for about 3-4 weeks. I'm a big guy and my arm doesn't like being strapped to my side like that. 



No worrying in advance

by Lavender - 2023-02-28 19:30:03

I'm sure this was traumatic. I have no idea how I was positioned when they put in my pacemaker. I did have a long lingering arm issue but it's almost okay now-two years later. I'm seeing a massage therapist twice a month. She's got it just about good as new. 

The thing is, when you need a replacement down the road, you can tell your surgeon then about not positioning you in that fashion.


by Tracey_E - 2023-02-28 20:57:14

I've always slept through my replacements! I'm on #5. Conscious sedation is wonderful stuff, you're technically awake so no need for the breathing tube that goes with general anesthesia, but you remember nothing. I have shoulder issues but have never had any kind of shoulder pain after. 

If you tell them you have shoulder problems, they should be able to accomodate regardless of the anesthesia. 

Pain, pain go away!

by Gotrhythm - 2023-03-03 14:40:23

I understand your worry. A couple of years ago I had an operaton during which I had to be placed spread eagle with both arms outstretched for several hours.  When I came to, the pain at the operation site was minor but the pain in my back and shoulders was horrendous! Then they gave me dilaudid which doesn't work at all on me. It was hours before I was given medication that did work. I don't think I screamed but I do remember wailing.

I'd have a lot of anxiety if I thought I had to face that again.

As it happened, the operation required revision and I did have to face it again. Here's what I did. I was not brave. I was not stoic. I told everybody--the surgeon, the anethesiologist, the PA, the nurses, the assistants in the OR about the pain. I told them how bad it was and that I was worried about it. With the hospitaler I discussed post-surgery medication schedules.

I can't tell you what they did differently, but clearly I was listened to. This time there was no pain in my back, and the mild discomfort otherwise was easily managed with medication.

About your pacemaker replacement. The good news is that it is a much simpler procedure, and much quicker. They already did the hard part when they placed the wires. Next time all they have to do is take out the old pacemaker, put in a new one, and connect the wires. Less than 30 minutes in and out.

As it happens I recently had a pacemaker replacement. To tell you the truth I don't remember anything after getting undressed. I had no pain afterward, and I went home a  couple of hours later.That's probably what will happen with you.

In the meantime, don't be brave. Tell your doctor about the pain caused by the arm position and ask how it could be done differently. Let him reassure you.

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