Heart Rate vs Time with a Boston Scientific L331

The images posted in the Gallery under "rmarkley" are the heart rate results from my recent bike trainer ride. The trainer and the workout were controlled by Zwift. My heart rate was reasonable for the first 2/3 of the training, then dropped to the 60s and 70s for the rest of the training. Even though the work level was constant, there was nothing I could do to get my heart rate back up where it should be. I tried deep breathing, rapid breathing, and deep, rapid breathing. There was no way I could convince the RightRate Minute Ventilation sensor to speed up my heart rate.

Has anyone encountered this problem, and if so, what was your work-around?

My Accelerometer settings are: Activity Threshold - low, Reaction Time - 20 sec, Response Factor - 14, Recovery Time - 7 minutes.

My Minute Ventilation settings are: Response Factor - 13, Fitness Level - Athletic, Ventilatory Threshold - 120, Ventilatory ThresholdResponse - 85%


heart rate

by AgentX86 - 2023-04-26 22:13:04

There isn't a scale here or any information about your max tracking rate but it looks like you ran into it at 160bpm so slipped into a 2:1 A/V synchrony. If I read this right, you'll have to talk your EP into increase your max tracking rate.

Tracking Rates

by rmarkley - 2023-04-26 23:35:12

Reviewing the recent data from my EP about tracking rates, I find the following:

Lower rate limit: 60 ppm

Normal Brady

Maximum Tracking Rate: 140 ppm

Maximum Sensor Rate: 140 ppm

Atrial Tachy Trigger Rate: 170 bpm

ATR Fallback LRL: 70 ppm

Maximum Pacing Rate: 130 ppm

Ventricular Tachy Detection Rate: 160 bpm

You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

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Thank you technology! My life is much improved.