Leadless pacemaker

My son is 13 year old. He had a dual chamber PM implant in March 2023. He is feeling good after the implant. He had two episodes of syncope because of AV block. As my son is too young, I would like to connect with young people with PM implant and would like to know their success stories.


Welcome to you and to your son

by Gemita - 2023-05-19 04:38:35

Shiva, I note that your 13 year old son has a new “leadless” dual chamber pacemaker.  The majority of us here at the Pacemaker Club have conventional pacemakers with leads but we are always willing to try to give support whatever the circumstances, so just ask your questions and we will do our best to help. 

We have many members who have been successfully paced for years and who have been able to lead completely normal lives, so I hope it will be the same for your son also and will give you some reassurance.  I see you have already found some inspiring stories and been helped by reading them.

I trust your son was given a “leadless” dual chamber pacemaker since his doctor felt it was appropriate and a good choice for him.  I do not recall seeing any other members here so young with a “leadless” pacemaker, although there are several members now with leadless pacemakers overall and doing well. 

I expect you have searched this site under “Q” top right by typing in leadless.  You can also do a general search by typing into your general web browser Pacemaker Club leadless pacemaker to get a few more hits.  

I attach one such thread which might be of interest to you for a contact.  See particularly member slarnerd who apparently moderates a large online support community for parents of children with heart block and/or pacemakers around the world.  You could try private messaging slarnerd for further information.  See the following link which you should copy and paste into your main browser to open:-


I wish you and your son well as you start your leadless pacemaker journey.  I hope it will be a successful and a very happy one.  Please continue to post here any questions you may have.  That is how we all learn and benefit

Thanks Gemita

by Shiva-Gupta - 2023-05-19 13:22:07

Thanks a lot Gemita for your wishes and help.

other forums

by new to pace.... - 2023-05-19 15:46:18

You should look for a forum that is for the leadless pacemaker , know they are out there.

new to pace

started at 19

by dwelch - 2023-05-31 21:56:15

I started at 19, on my fifth device, 35 years with pacemakers.  no issues, aint no thing...(yes starting as a child IS a thing).   

There are some others from time to time that start as or younger than your child, clearly most folks start much later.  I think there are a couple of teens that recently joined and posted stuff.  but they are new to this like you.  while rare, you are not one of a kind there are and have been children getting pacers for decades.  this site is good in general, so I dont know if there are other resources out there.   the internet is a big place though so keep looking.

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