working out after Pacemaker

5 weeks out from Pacemaker procedure,keep hearing different  opinions about weight training

ready to start training again,should i wait a couple more weeks ?



working out involving arms

by FG - 2023-05-23 21:00:12

My doctor said NO swimming or overhead lifting for 8 weeks.

Now many on here said that seemed like a long time. But that is what my doctor said. I am very active and I guess he wanted to be sure. I am now 9 weeks out and all seems good, as far as I can tell...!

Weight Training

by Penguin - 2023-05-24 05:19:17

The probable reason for differing opinions is that 'weight training' is a descriptor that covers different types of fitness activity and also because medical circumstances vary. 

 Some of the non-overhead light weight bearing exercises are likely to be permissible and may be a good place to start to keep your muscles active whilst you wait for your implant site to heal and for the PM to bed in.  If it's overhead heavy weight lifting that you want to recommence you might like to explain what you want to lift and how you want to train to your doctor. 




Wound strength

by Selwyn - 2023-05-24 13:58:28

If I may impart as much factual information as is available:

Sabiston :-Wound strength increases rapidly within 1 to 6 weeks and then appears to plateau up to 1 year after the injury .When compared with unwounded skin, tensile strength is only 30% in the scar. An increase in breaking strength occurs after approximately 21 days, mostly as a result of cross-linking.The rate of collagen synthesis declines after 4 weeks and eventually balances the rate of collagen destruction by collagenase (MMP-1). At this point the wound enters a phase of collagen maturation.

Taylor:-The tensile strength of the young scar is only about 10% that of normal skin. Scar strength increases to about 30–50% of normal skin by 4 weeks and to 80% after several months.

Robbins:-We now turn to the questions of how long it takes for a skin wound to achieve its maximal strength, and which substances contribute to this strength. When sutures are removed, usually at the end of the first week, wound strength is approximately 10% of the strength of unwounded skin, but it increases rapidly over the next 4 weeks. This rate of increase then slows at approximately the third month after the original incision and then reaches a plateau at about 70 to 80% of the tensile strength of unwounded skin, which may persist for life.

Schwartz:-Wound strength and mechanical integrity in the fresh wound are determined by both the quantity and quality of the newly deposited collagen. The deposition of matrix at the wound site follows a characteristic pattern: Fibronectin and collagen type III constitute the early matrix scaffolding, glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans represent the next significant matrix components, and collagen type I is the final matrix. By several weeks post injury the amount of collagen in the wound reaches a plateau, but the tensile strength continues to increase for several more months.20 Fibril formation and fibril cross-linking result in decreased collagen solubility, increased strength, and increased resistance to enzymatic degradation of the collagen matrix. Scar remodeling continues for many (6 to 12) months postinjury, gradually resulting in a mature, avascular, and acellular scar. The mechanical strength of the scar never achieves that of the uninjured tissue.

So where does this put you?

I think a middle of the road approach is after 6 weeks a little tension on the scar is appropriate. If you want to go crazy and put a lot more tension on the scar then 12 weeks is better. Your doctor saying 8 weeks is not far off middle of the road thinking on the cautious side. As Penguin says, a lot depends on how much stress you want to put on the scar. 


resistance / weight training

by Martino - 2023-06-07 04:40:20

I worked out 4-5 days a week before I was diagnosed with HCM. This was in 2017. Operated in 2021. It took the doctors to give me a CRT-D until November '22. After I had complaints about irregular heartbeats. From 2017-2022 I stil went to the gym, but less often.... April  2023 I finally got myself back into the 5-6 days a week work-out

Intial limitations, as mentioned were overhead excercises, but I was way past the first 8 weeks

I jumped into it and never looked back. Feel better than the past 5 years. Work out, eat, drink and live like nothing happened. Doctors are following me, read out every 3 months and all seems well. The CRT-D (the D was a bonus) and iot synchronizing makes light work out of everything.

I was diagnosed with a larger left chamber for almost 50 years....same symptoms.

HCM is hereditary so my kids are going through the tests as we speak

My advise, no worries,  overcome your thoughts and go for it

I did



by TPMP001 - 2023-07-08 07:25:42

My work is extremely hard . with heavy lifting on one side of the body and overhead . 

i also do weights and was a MMA fighter . 

i will be having a subpec implant . 

may i ask which type of pulling is dangerous for the leads . ?

deadlift , bench press , shoulder press . 

its best to wait 3 months but can i do a spinning class , swimming , running and shadow boxing after a month and hit bags after 6 weeks . 

what is peoples advise please . 


i wanted to go back and at some stage do some wrestling and jujitsu , can anyone advise . 

my experience is vast i can avoid certain tugs and pulls , but dont know which ones to avoid as my clinicians dont have time for me . 

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