Hearing test
- by zo6
- 2023-06-04 20:11:16
- Interferences
Can I get a hearing test with a ICD/Defibulator Pacemaker? Asuming they still have you wear Head phones its been 50 years since my last test
Had it-no problem
by Lavender - 2023-06-05 08:26:26
I have a pacemaker but no ICD. I had all the hearing tests at an ear, nose, throat doc. Nothing was a problem at all including the larnyx scope.
during a test and every day life
by dwelch - 2023-06-08 01:12:20
You can wear headphones, ear buds, bluetooth, etc during tests or during every day life, no issues.
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I still feel great today and cant stop feeling excited at my "new" life. Modern day miracles through medicine and electronic devices are amazing!
Head phones
by AgentX86 - 2023-06-04 22:58:43
They're not going to matter at all. The general rule, and there are exceptions, is to keep <whatever> six inches from your pacemaker. In the case of headphones, you could have a problem if you slept on a high-end pair.