Pericarditis after Covid Booster

Back in January 2022 I posted about my daughter having palpitations after a covid mrna booster and I don't believe I shared what her prognosis was. After an Echo doctor found she had pericarditis. Took almost a year to resolve and I hope and pray there are no long lasting affects. Cardiologist said he no longer needed to see her unless she had any other complaints. And added that she should not get any more mrna vaccines. We asked if he will report the the findings to the CDC and he responded he doesn't know who to respond to. So what good is he? 

On top of that my daughter contacted the CDC and provided them with information they requested. Since that time they have never followed up to see how she is doing. So they collect their data and now what?

So disappointed on how this was all handled and doctors and cdc response to this. 



by AgentX86 - 2023-08-21 18:48:10

The fact is that they don't want to know. The CDC was wrong about everything they said and did that they don't want any more evidence of their malfeasance. If she'd died, you bet they'd have known what to do with the report.


Conspiracy theory?  Maybe two years ago it was.


by Lavender - 2023-08-21 20:29:26

Over three years ago, I had pericarditis. I had helped my mom as she was falling, which pulled the rib cartilage in me. That led to swelling, costochondritis and then the pericarditis simultaneously.  It was the worst pain that I have ever experienced, and I have had four babies- one of which was natural childbirth. I was unable to breathe deep enough with the pericariditis. I had to sleep sitting up, packed with ice bags around my chest, and did not sleep much at all. I had to take 3200 mg of ibuprofen daily and that did little. I had to put on voltaren cream on the chest and back. I was in excruciating pain. A trip to the ER and IV toredol helped a lot. But later at home, the same pain restarted. I ended up on Colchicine and Carafate for nine months and the ibuprofen as long.

The ibuprofen ate a hole in my stomach. I ended up in the ER with stomach erosions. It was a long painful time. 

The bright side is that I never had any reoccurence. Completely healed of it and this was long before my ventricular standstill led to a pacemaker. I am sorry to hear that anyone suffers through this. 

As for the Covid vaccine, I had all but the last one. I do think each person has to make their own mind up since it is such a highly debated topic. Some people have reactions to vaccines. Some don't. 


by Penguin - 2023-08-22 05:29:06

I have to admit that I don't know who the CDC are? 

This European website for the EMA (European Medications Agency) provides an opportunity to view Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and to look up events which have been reported. There is a section for Covid19.

I don't know whether or not you are in the UK, but this is the guidance that the GMC (General Medical Council) provide to British doctors about reporting ADRs.

With all ADRs it is numbers which make change happen. E.g. if your ADR is unusual or rare or a one off it is less likely to have an impact.  Of course if a percentage of doctors behave like yours, the numbers will never reflect the true results. This is one of the most difficult things to swallow when affected. 

I hope that your daughter's health continues to improve. 


Vaccine reaction?

by Julros - 2023-08-22 16:45:44

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  mainly collects data, and they create guidelines for care. They are a good source for information, in my former job working at a local health department, we looked to them for the latest guidelines on TB treatment. They gather information on a dizzying amount of conditions, but they don't treat or follow individual cases. They concentrate on looking for trends. 

Heart inflamation, after mRNA vaccines does occur, and is usually self-limited. Many more people had heart effects from actually getting an infection than from vaccines. 

I am sorry your daughter was one of the rare ones, but it is good to see she has recovered. I am not sure of what sort of response you were hoping for? Viral illnesses have few effective interventions, so supportive care is the norm. Overall, it is safer to prevent a viral infection, than catch it and hope for the best. Medicine still doesn't understand the longterm effects of COVID. 


by Lavender - 2023-08-22 17:56:12

Well stated, Julros! 

Fair Answer

by Penguin - 2023-08-22 18:12:57

That's a good answer Julros and explains a lot. I agree re: prevention via vaccination as a sensible approach. I took up each of mine - including the booster - but clearly it's a personal choice and we all need to find about any known risks - and how rare / common they might be. 

Thank you for explaining who the CDC are and what they do.  Your answer provided much needed input re: their role and what they do and don't do.  Your comments re: mRNA vaccines and heart inflammation are also welcome as they have helped me understand one of the cardiac risks mentioned - thank you for that. 

All that anybody can ask for is clarity and transparency with regard to the information / data / research that has been collated and what is known. Without that, it makes it more difficult to make an informed choice.

Expected More From the Government

by heartu - 2023-08-22 20:49:16

I understand the CDCs role when it comes down to vaccinations and their safety. Unfortunately the covid vaccines were rushed imo, because the government created "fear mongering". We were the major test group for this vaccine because many were told get the vaccine or don't return to work.

I sometimes wonder if a vaccine I received at some point in my life led me to need a pacemaker. I will never know the answer, but I will continue to get my vaccines because I do understand the science behind it, but only if I know that it was successfully tested. Out of college I worked in a QC lab that tested pharmaceuticals. I also know that pharmaceutical companies were not happy if results of testing were not what they had hoped for. I will only say that I left that profession because of the pressure to ensure that a drug made it through. 

Expected more

by AgentX86 - 2023-08-22 22:29:02

Yes and no.  We were certainly gaslighted from the beginning.

When the vaccine came out, my wife and I were among the first to get the two doses.  It was "completely safe and 99% effective".  Great!  This new mRNA technology could do great things for diseases. Then reports started leaking out that maybe it wasn't so safe or effective.  Masks were great and  6' distancing was the solution. Anyone who knew anything about physics knew better.  Anyone who countered the official narrative was silenced, or worse.  That finished off any little trust I had left in the industry, government, or any media.  Never again.


by Old male - 2023-08-22 23:23:41

Other than the side effects, how many actually avoided catching the virus?  I've read statistics that most everyone vaccinated has had Covid.  I personally know several.  Oh yes, but it could have been worse without the vaccine......"they say".  Immediately after the 3rd shot, my wife developed extreme high blood pressure that still requires medication 2 years later......and she's had Covid twice.


by Julros - 2023-08-23 10:55:24

As I stated before, I used to work for my local public health department. At the beginning of the pandemic, we tested all 90 residents in a local nursing home. All were positive, 40 of them died. Many of the staff became ill, and one was so diabled that they retired. 

I experienced tears of joy when I finally recieved my vaccine, knowing that I had another layer of protection for myself and my family. 


by AgentX86 - 2023-08-23 11:31:41

Yes, the original covid had a fairly high mortality rate but a less viral.  Anyone with comorbidities was at great risk.  As the pandemic progressed, the mortality became less and less and it became more virulent.  This is the way viruses go.  To survive they have to survive in their host long enough to spread widely, so adapt to the optimum survival possibility. The virus is now far more benign but spreads more quickly.

Influenza has done the same thing over the last century or two. Every once in a while a particularly deadly strain pops up but doesn't infect as many.


by Penguin - 2023-08-23 12:19:57

Julros, I'm so sorry to hear that you went through all of that. No wonder you feel as you do. 

I was very relieved to get my first vaccine too, but I was tucked away at home rather than putting myself at risk as you were.  It must have been a really scary time for you. 


by Lavender - 2023-08-23 21:14:46

I know lots of people who never had covid, including myself and my guy. My cardiologist said two years ago to me that she wished all refusing the vaccine would come with them to the hospital floor to see the suffering of all the covid patients. Seeing them suffer would encourage them to vaccinate. 

My pcp told me not to get the 4th shot, so I didn't. He said it wasn't helping and the virus wasn't as deadly for most. I will see what he says this autumn at my annual. I take my medical team's advice. I get a flu shot, got both pneumonia vax and will do what my pcp says. 

Refusing vaccine

by AgentX86 - 2023-08-25 00:45:50

"she wished all refusing the vaccine would come with them to the hospital floor to see the suffering of all the covid patients"

That's a little like wishing that all drivers would come to the ER to see the suffering of accident victims. Or perhaps to the cardiac floor to see the suffering heart attack patients.

By the end of 2021 (omicron variant) it had pretty much lost its steam and at the same time the "vaccine" had lost most of its efficacy.  With or without it, the reinfection rate climbed.

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