
Hello All, I hope you are well,

I would firstly like to thank everyone that read and replied too my most recent post, the messages i received where lovely thank you. 

I question that I have been wondering to ask you all for a while is about alcohol. As a 19 year old brit I like to go to the pub with friends, and drink socially. I will also be attending university in September, where I know I will consume alcohol. But one thing I seem to notice all the time when I drink is, even if I have only one or 2 beers, my heart rate will always go up. 

My resting heart rate is around 60 ish, but while drinking alcohol my heart rate will rest at around95? Is this a normal and regular response from everyones bodies? or is this something I should be concerned about? It is slightly anxiety provoking when you get an increasde in heart rate without exerting yourself, but for some reason everytime i drink any amount of alcohol, my heart rate will go up to around 95 bpm, regardless of if im sitting, laying down or stading. And it seems to stay at an increased rate until I go to sleep and is normal in the morning. 

I was just wondering if this is normal and what everyone expericnes, or If i should adress this with my doctor or something, any answer would be greatly appreciated,

Thank you very much to anyone that replies, and thank you for rreading this,

Hayden :) xx 


Heart Rate

by Penguin - 2023-09-08 16:12:22

Alcohol affects us all differently. My advice would be not to over indulge at university, but I'm not 19 years old.  I doubt you'll listen, but here's the boring advice: 

You mentioned VT which your consultant suggested wasn't a serious concern. You also mentioned beta blockers and a possible mental health issue. All three may affect your interactions with alcohol. 

Alcohol may trigger arrhythmia and this may raise your heart rate and it may persist. (I'll leave the specific arrhythmia advice to Gemita as she knows tons more than me about it).   

If you're taking beta blockers or other cardiac meds or indeed mental health meds check for interactions with alcohol. Mood wise, alcohol won't do you any favours if you're feeling low already. 

I'm also tempted to say ignore me and enjoy yourself, because you could do with a break and I'd like to hear that you've embraced the opportunity to party and let your hair down but as a responsible adult I ought to resist :/

What ever you decide, enjoy uni and join in with the partying within your limits. It's a special time.  You don't have to go OTT and you may remember all the good times more clearly if you're not too drunk !

I'd love to be 19 again. 


by Tracey_E - 2023-09-08 18:01:37

It doesn't happen to everyone, but it does to me.  That's a question for your doctor, but under 100 isn't usually a problem so my not-a-doctor-but-been-a-student opinion is moderation. Not drinking is probably best, but a few here and there should be ok. (but ask your doctor!!)

Alcohol and arrhythmias

by Gemita - 2023-09-08 19:29:54

Hayden, I agree with both Tracey and Penguin and I don't want to spoil the party either.  Have you ever tried non alcoholic beer?  Hubby seems to think it tastes the same!  

My main concern is that you are just about to start a new beta blocker called Nebivolol and you really don't know how this is going to interact with alcohol.  I would speak to your doctor/pharmacist first for advice.  Drinking alcohol while taking beta blockers can certainly cause side effects and worsening arrhythmias.

Personally as an arrhythmia sufferer, I cannot take any alcohol without triggering heart rhythm disturbances.  I would rather drink a juice or even plain mineral water and stay in normal sinus rhythm and enjoy the company of friends, than risk being out of rhythm, with high heart rates and having to leave the party early.  The problem with alcohol is that it never stops with just one glass unless we are really disciplined.  Alcohol can be extremely dehydrating and combined with a beta blocker you may experience a fall in blood pressure so if you drink alcohol, please stay well hydrated (with water).

By the way, a normal heart rate is between 60-100 bpm, so 95 bpm would still be a normal heart rate.  Anything over 100 bpm would be classified as tachycardia.   However since you are feeling symptomatic (anxious?) at 95 bpm, and you experience increased heart rates every time you have a beer or alcoholic drink, this suggests to me that alcohol could well be causing your raised heart rates, and appears to be pro arrhythmic.  Perhaps by chance we have found a trigger for your heart rhythm disturbances Hayden?  I would try going without alcohol next time you meet with your friends to see whether your heart rate stays lower.  If it does, you will have your answer.  


Not for me

by docklock - 2023-09-08 22:11:36

When I was in hospital for PM insertion, I asked surgeon about alcohol.  He said absolutely no alcohol with the meds I was taking 

Asked my cardio doc same question-- same answer.  So I haven't had any.  
I'm 79 and believe me I've had more than my share of alcohol, mostly beer. 
With all things considered, I also have no feelings in my lower legs due to a lengthy back surgery so my balance is not very good. I use a walking stick to help balance. 
Also have knee pain and sometimes feel as tho my knee will give out. 
That all being said --- I just don't take the chance of imbibing. 
Like Penguin stated: "I'd love to be 19 again". Back when I was 19 I was invincible. Superman. 

Ask your dr

by Lavender - 2023-09-08 23:11:40

I wouldn't chance it. Ask your dr. Why invite issues?

Did you know that drinking alcohol increases agitation, depression and anxiety?

I haven't been a teetotaler up til about six years ago. I enjoyed wine and other adult beverages. With my stomach issues of acid, and now definitely with my pacemaker-I don't imbibe anymore.  You already have anxiety, Hayden. You want to stay healthy as possible.🌸

Alcohol and HR

by Rch - 2023-09-09 17:47:45


Check to see if the elevated HR  is regular or irregular! A 10-15% rise in HR postprandially is normal and is expected as the heart pumps more blood to the GI tract for digestion but a 50% rise is a bit high. I believe it's anxiety driven as it normalizes after a good night rest. I personally don't drink alcohol as even a sip gives me burning sensation as it trickles down my throat, a blessing in disguise?! However, if you do have to drink socially, eat a heavy meal to dilute and slow down its absorption. Also  please keep your PCP within the loop to discuss this. I wish you well.


Ran across this

by Pacer2019 - 2024-01-13 16:00:55

Did you ever ask the doctor ? 
I am guessing he said .... just don't do it .

sometimes we gotta realize we are fortunate with modern technology we are alive -  

We also have to know it's not normal to have heart issues so young -  we have a challenge and aren't "normal " 


I say ditch the alcohol 

You know you're wired when...

You have a new body part.

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I wasn't really self-conscious about it. I didn't even know I had one until around six or seven years old. I just thought I had a rock in my side.