
I know many of us with a pm also experience a fib.  Do you wear a smart watch with an ecg function?  Why or why not and which device do you use? 




Kardia Mobile 6 lead

by Gemita - 2023-09-10 07:26:20

John, it is good to hear from you.  I am a long suffering Atrial Fibrillation (AF) member.  I have learned over the years to know when I am in AF from my symptoms alone: 

(the quivering chest sensation, chest discomfort, weakness from irregularity of rhythm, volatile blood pressure and heart rates even in the presence of my pacemaker, breathlessness and I could go on)

I always feel my neck pulse to assess rhythm and speed of any arrhythmia too which gives me instant feedback.

I have a Kardia Mobile 6 lead monitor which is excellent and always gives me an accurate assessment of the rhythm disturbance present.  I know some members say that with a pacemaker, home monitoring is not so accurate, but I have never found this.  I have both a good BP monitor and now the Kardia ECG monitor.  I don’t obsess about monitoring because I know my symptoms so well, but it can be useful if I am feeling particularly poorly to get an instant recording which I can email to my clinic and/or ask them to correlate my symptoms to any arrhythmia present when I download my pacemaker data.

I can thoroughly recommend the 6 lead Kardia Mobile to any member.  If however you want a "wearable" while you are on the go, Frontier X2 (very expensive) is popular as are Apple Watches, but I haven't tried either.  I attach the Frontier X2 link:

Apple Watch

by Tracey_E - 2023-09-10 08:23:13

My Apple Watch will alert for afib and do a simple ecg. I don't really use it for either, but it has it. It'll also do O2sat, track workouts, estimate VO2max, alert when my resting rate is too high. But I mostly use it for music, texts without getting my phone out, intervals when I run, and the weather. 

Apple Watch

by Julros - 2023-09-10 14:02:08

I use my watch like Tracey: texts, the weather, tracking steps and exercise. And telling time. Because of my high grade block I can tell from my resting heart rate if I'm in afib. My normal low rate is 60, in afib its 70.

My quarterly device reports include time in an atrial rhythm. Since my last ablation in March, only 1 short episode. 


by BradyJohn - 2023-09-10 19:23:01

Hi Gemita,  Tracey and Julros, 

I have been fortunate to have only brief episodes of afib,  and for the most part only learn about them when I go in for a check up which is every 6 months.  So far we're just observing.  My CHADS2 score is really low, so I'm ok with this approach.  I use my wearable pretty much like Tracey and Julros.  I think what I would appreciate is remote monitoring of my pm.  I am not sure if it's possible where I live, but will ask when I go in next month.



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Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.