Feeling the PM

I am now entering week 2 since my PM implant. Does it ever get to the point when you no longer feel it or it stops restricting your movement. When I move my left arm, I can feel the pressure created of this metal device pushing against my shoulder. Does it settle overtime so that you regain complete mobility or is that something I should reckon with?



2 years and counting

by lawchick - 2007-11-26 04:11:29

It has been two years, and I would never know it is there anymore. I would say that it took about 6 months to get to the point where I forgot I had it. Good luck!

Had my ICD for more than 2 months

by turboz24 - 2007-11-26 04:11:29

I have had my ICD implanted for more than 2 months and I can still feel it and it does restrict my movements to some extent. For example, I can't reach over my right shoulder with my hand, I used to be able to do that. It does not affect my movement enough to affect working out, though.

Give it time

by dcrojas - 2007-11-26 06:11:23

I've only had my PM for 21/2 months. It seems that right at about 2 months two things happened. I decided that it was time for me to start using that left arm and the pain diminished substantially. It seems the thing settled in there and quit hurting every time I moved my arm a certain way. Part of the problem with my left arm I think was in my head. You're told to be very careful and not lift it above your head because the wires may come loose, so you tend to not use that arm as much, after a while it kinda stiffens up a bit. Once I gave myself permission to use that arm it seemed to loosen up and feel better. In your case though 2 weeks out is still early. I think it's better to baby that arm for a bit until you feel ready--don't rush it take it slow it's better than injuring something and sliding back to square one. Hang in there

Give your self some time

by admin - 2007-11-26 08:11:32

I agrre with dcrojas comments. It takes some time to get use to your new device. In no time, you won't even know its there.


I only commented on the physical.

by turboz24 - 2007-11-26 09:11:14

I started immediately started using my arm once the 2 weeks were up and I was weight lifting 2 days after that.

I only made my comments about the physical aspect of "feeling it", but otherwise...

I think I might eventually forget it's there, unless I look at it and since mine sticks up around 1/8th to 1/4th an inch, I can definately see it, so my coping mechanism is simply never to look at it.

I noticed a lot more women on the site are happy with the look of their implant, probably because they have more tissue in that area for it to hide in. If you are a man and in good physical shape, it's obvious that it's there.

It gets better

by mandogrl - 2007-11-27 08:11:52

Hang in there. My doc didn't want my elbow to go above my shoulder for 6 weeks. Having a very physical job, I positioned myself differently to do my work. I think that working differently was causing more pain for me, but I sure didn't want to pull leads loose. About 2 or 3 days after I started using it overhead, I began to feel better. Now at 10 weeks, I finally forget about it for long periods. I hope yours gets as comfortable as mine is now. good luck.

ICD's are larger

by turboz24 - 2007-11-27 11:11:18

Yes, ICD's are about 2x the size of a PM.

I actually thought of the size in reference to a PM before I got my implant, that's one reason I was a little shocked seeing a flip cell phone sized device instead of a pill bottle cap sized device.


by hooimom - 2007-11-27 12:11:15

Isn't an ICD larger than a PM? The poster in the cardiologist's office shows quite a difference. I only have a PM and it did take some time to get used to it. Mine is place pretty high up near the collar bone and sometimes rubs a little but that has gotten much better. My mobility is almost normal. I don't even think about it too much anymore. I know that 2 weeks seems like a long time, but it really is early into your recovery time. It took a few months for me to feel truly "normal" again. Some of that I believe is the shock and mental adjustment and some of it is actually physical recovery.

How long did your doctor tell you not to lift your arm? Mine was 6 weeks but others have been told shorter times. I was so paranoid about moving my arm too much that I think that caused some of the mobility issues. Mobility improves as you can lift your arm and move around freely.

Each day gets better!

slings restrict movement

by gevans - 2007-12-02 10:12:51

My cardiologist told me not to use the sling that the surgical recovery nurses issued me (or only use it at night - in case I would raise the arm on my implant side in my sleep). He said he actually encouraged me to keep forward motion (as in running) and lateral rotation (bent arm ,forearm at waist level - from front to side with elbow at hip) so the shoulder would not "freeze up".

My "above shoulder level" and stretching (reaching out) restrictions were lifted after two weeks (I've seen others suggest as many as six on this site though) and I've never had issues with range of motion (and my leads never pulled out). In fact I don't even know the thing is there now, and haven't noticed it since the swelling went down by the end of the second week.

Best of luck in resuming your activities,


4 weeks and good to go...

by ronpage - 2007-12-05 12:12:42

At 2 weeks I was very aware of the PM, but it was beginning to bother me less and less at night. At 4 weeks almost to the day, it's much better. Not an issue at night (and I do a lot of tossing and turning). The incision is healing very nicely - in fact, I'd say it is healed but I'm still very protective of it. Each day is better.

I've had no issues with pain, arm immobility (I've not tried to immobilize it at all, day or night), nor stiffness.

Hang in there. It'll come.

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