Most Recent Messages in Success Stories

Update on thread dated 2009-05-18 (!)

I am re-posting a new comment left by member “tuck3lin” yesterday on his old post from 2009, ref:   BY TUCK3LIN 2009-05-18  01:05:58 EXERCISE & SPORTS 1532 VIEWS 5 COMMENTS

It is good to hear from you tuck3lin. Congratulations on the arrival of your first grandchild.  Glad you are doing so well.  Gemita

by tuck3lin - 2024-06-23 21:38:32

It's 15 years later, and I thought I would loo...


Sinus pauses=pacemaker choice


I am 55 and haveng a paceaker 7/10.  I am wondering if anyone is/was in a smilar situation?

I was diagnosed with Bradycardia 4 years ago-no symptoms.  Wearing a monitor noticed sinus pauses of 3 seconds, not sytmptoms. Has continued for a few years, then pauses recently went to 5 seconds, and have a loop recoarder. All puases in day-and I have no symptoms. Recent puase was 3 seconds, 2 beat, then 5 seconds. still did not notice. Since times are gradually increasing m...


30 years paced

Today marks 30 years since I got my first pacer!  I live a full, active life and don't plan on slowing down any time soon. There have been a few challenges and bumps in the road, but overall it's been nothing but a blessing. Technology is so amazing.



I went on a birding trip to Thailand Jan 5th this year. During the third week of our trip I had trouble walking up hills, steps, giddiness and breathlessness. Then on one particular day I couldn't even walk up 4 steps. Our friends, who were Thai, took us to a hospital where I was diagnosed with Bradycardia, pneumonia and a stomach infection. My heart rate was under 38 and down to 20 at one stage. BP extremely low and also dropped lower at one s...


One year update

Assuming you can read my earlier messages, you'll know I was implanted a year ago in March, and had my AV node ablated in June. All this the result of a long term paroxysmal afib condition which had decided to no longer spontaneously self correct within a 30 hour period. This required 6 cardioversions in a 9 month period. 

Since June of '23 post AV node ablation, the world has looked VERY much better. Complete stability of my heart rate and as promised, whi...


Persistence pays

Hi all, 

I received a dual lead PM almost 4 years ago.   It has taken until just a few months ago to get the settings just right for me.  I was blessed to have a technician team that takes genuine interest in her patients and their health.  Shout out to Rebecca and Erin if you're on here 🙌.   I'm also benefiting from remote monitoring (thanks again Rebecca).  My recent phone check up revealed that my 'numbers are 1000% better than befo...


Feeling pretty good lately!

For the first time since this whole journey began, and definitely since I was shocked on Dec. 4th, I have been feeling pretty darn good. The PTSD from the shock was pretty interesting to navigate for awhile, every little thing set me off and I spiraled down the rabbit hole with new symptoms daily. But I think I've worked through most of those issues and once again am feeling encouraged and positive. 

Anxiety is underestimated, cruel, and not at all descrimitive. It can mimic mo...


8 months after implant

I'm a 62 year old male, I'm 8 months in since my implant . I was asymptamatic when I received my implant. I feel  the same as I did  before I got my dual chambered device. No issues  what so ever. I am a welder and still welding with no issues. I did speak with a tech from Boston Scientific 1st before returning to welding. I have returned to doing cardio , somtimes getting my rate up to 160 .I was told to go ahead by my cardiologist.  If anyone has any questions pl...


Pulse Oximeter Update

I have previously mentioned my low pulse readings from my Finger Oximeter. The explanation was the  PVC’s were giving false readings for my pulse. I was advised not to use this device, fair enough. My EP and his Tech both proved my pacemaker was working properly with the minimum setting of 60 bpm. 

At my last visit I was given a prescription for Flecainide to calm down the PVC’s, this works by blocking Sodium Channels and slowing down the electricity. I have been o...


quarterly transmission

My quartely transmission was on Dec 19,2023.  Here is the summary. There were 229 atrial high rate episodes detected.  Most were at rest only 6 while active and on Nov 25, which was day i cooked for 5 of us.  The longest lasted 0:00:54:52 in duration.  There was a 1.8% cumulative atrial arrtyhthia burden which was much less the last quarter of 11%.  Review of EGMS shows AT/AF. 1 ventricular high rate episode detected.  Review   of EGM show nsVT13 b...


How many of us are happy with our PMs?

I was just wondering what percentage of PM recipients might be more or less happy with the way their particular device performs?

This Club is a massively helpful hub for us all, especially those with tricky heart problems and those with issues with their PMs. The level of knowledgeable technical and emotional support on offer is superb.

One understandable consequence of this is that postings tend to be dominated by those with serious questions to ask about their own health, or the...


Long off the club but…..I’m Back!

Hey, y'all! I am back after long hiatus from the club. Not many will remember me but that's what happens. 
Had first pacemaker installed 2013. All was well for many years but the pacemaker was getting low on juice, a bit early since I am 100% paced, so got a new generator installed  March 2021 rated for 13 years this go round! 
In the the meantime, started having chest pains, thought it was reflux, but endoscope said no. Had already planned it with cardiology...


New to club

Hi, I have recovered well from the surgery implant five weeks ago and swam 50 laps this morning. I am so pleased and privileged to have my device, I live in USA and am on Medicare, so this is at very little cost to me. 

I am 75-year-old Mechanical Engineer, who has windsurfed for 22 years. I have had two years of gradual reduced energy and strength. For my age I am considered very fit, I eat well don’t smoke or drink and exercise regularly, I weigh 160lbs. For the last two ye...


Life post pacemaker

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and I've had my pacemaker since March 2023. I'm 34 and adjusting to life with a PM and more surgeries to replace the battery going forward.

I jwant to share my story. I was quite fit in my 20's but I always felt like I had something wrong with my heart. There were times when I couldn't control my heart rate with breathing and at other times I had strange feelings and 'auras' where I felt unwell, like a general feeling of doom...


Success Stories? CRT, Biventricular Pacing, LBB Pacing

Hi friends. I'd like to hear from some of you that have lived with CRT pacers for significant time and have good outcomes to report. I've heard plenty about the poor symptoms people have to begin with, but where are the success stories? Did your symptoms resolve? Did you have subsequent echocardiograms that showed beautiful, wonderfully remodeled hearts? Are CRT devices ever turned off after a heart recovers, or are the imbalanced conduction issues always permanent?

More to my o...


PM & Ablation

I have a two lead pacemaker and am getting an ablation for palpations.  Does anyone know if this will stop my palpations and how successful is it in stopping the afib?


A bit more to tell you.

Following on from my post 1965/2023 which I posted a few days back now.  
I explained that I've had a pacemaker from the age of 8.  Nearly 67 now😱  

What I also want to let you know, my granddaughter Moneè also has a pacemaker. Unlike myself, Moneè did not present at birth with heart block. But at the age of 3 she was rushed to hospital with influenza A. To the shock of the doctor examining her Moneè's pulse was only 40 beats per min...



Tried to post a quick msg last night. Not sure what happened but it just disappeared.


Anyhow, my last post was in 2018.  I won't go into my story again but just wanted to let you know I've just clocked up 58 years of being paced.  I was the tender age of 8.  I'm nearly 67 this year and still working full time. 

Not sure how many replacements I've had but let me tell you there has been quite a few.

I am the proud mother of...


Here's my story

Some responders to my earlier post about leg pain urged me to tell my whole story. 

I was a fairly healthy 60+ year old with Sjogren’s Syndrome, not bad enough to require medication, just keep water handy at all times for dry mouth.  I got Covid in April 2021 after being vaxed, luckily a mild case.  In late summer 2021, I started having an increase in shortness of breath incidents like when climbing stairs or carrying boxes.  I dithered over whether it was seri...


Alcohol, septal ablation

Morning you wonderful people out there,,,,,,, it's been just over a month of having my septal ablation and well what can I say????? It's great no chest pain, no out of breath just walking up one flight of stairs, I have more energy, I sleep better, I even think that my ankles are not as swollen, to be honest guy I feel completely brand new and 20 years younger if anyone out there has got HOCM please talk to your doctor to see if it is possible if it's an option you won't be di...


You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for gaining an extra ounce or two.

Member Quotes

I am a competitive cyclist with a pacemaker!