Most Recent Messages in ICDs


I posted recently (29th June, ICD Review) and I thought I would give you an update.

The ICD was adjusted on 25/6 and my situation was to be discussed at the group meeting. Since then I have had two letters. The first from the EP  saying: patient seen due to AF. Found to be in AT with a tachycardia rate of 100bpm with sudden drops to 55 with AP.  Then went back to AT. Reprogrammed DDI with VP/S at 55. Sent patient for a walk to assess RR, he felt better with it on. Lead checks...


ICD and CGM - Is it safe

Hey All - this post is mostly for awareness.  Please share if you have similar experiences though

I’ve recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.  They finally prescribed a CGM for me.  I was pretty excited because the finger pricking was getting old and painful.

 Last night was my first night using CGM.  Reading though what to expect i came across an article from the manufacturer of the CGM that said it wasn't recommending using yet as t...


Test results from CRT-D, what do they mean?

  • by R2D2
  • 2024-06-21 21:23:31
  • ICDs

I just got my test results back today from my device and have NO idea what they mean. But the hundreds of PVC's per hour (if that's right) has be really concerned. I could be reading it wrong, but I wish the doctor would send a little note with them giving me basic explainations for all of it.

interpretation Summary NICM with LBBB/PHTN-primary prevention Medtronic Claria CRT-D Anticoagulation: No _____ Longevity/Battery: 7.9yr Stable lead trends Presenting without PVCs Percent p...


MRI Conditioned/Compatible

My new Dr. at an Advanced Heart Failure clinic I was just referred to wants me to get a cardiac MRI done to see if they can figure out why I had such a quick slide into heart failure.  I received a message that my ICD was not MRI compatible and they moved up my video appointment to discuss the possible risks of doing it anyway.  I spoke with the Dr.'s nurse because my local cardio says his records show it is MRI compatible.  The nurse said it might be a case of the generato...


ICD Repacing

A week ago, I had some rapid HR on a Sunday, and messaged my EP asking if anything was caught in the nightly download of info.  I got a call back telling me that "no", nothing was flagged or alerted and sent to email, but they had me do an interrogation then.  It showed 2 episodes of VT about a minute a part and showed the ICD was able to repace the heart both times.  (Good to know it's working..)  My question:  Would one expect for a repacing due to VT...


AV Node Ablation

I wrote on 13th June about my high heart rates. Anyway I went to see my cardiologist yesterday and an ECG showed I was in AF and this is why I have felt unwell. We discussed the options. To cut a long story short, we agreed that I would have an AV Node ablation. Things were explained to me and my wife and I have also looked on line about the procedure. I will be totally dependent on my CRT-D for pacing but I can stop taking amiodarone. There is a 3 to 4 month waiting time on the NHS. Do any o...


High Heart Rate

My CRT-D normally keeps my resting heart rate at 55/56 but this week I keep getting readings of 75 and occasionally up to 95. At the higher levels I feel unwell and just stay in bed. I'm on 10mg of bisoprolol and that used to keep me at 55. My home ECG says "possible AF" when at the high levels. I have an appointment with my cardiologist next week but I wondered if anyone else experiences this. Thanks.


Anyone with a Boston Scientific CRT-D been erroneously shocked multiple times?

I was recently working out and got shocked 6 times. My EP was pretty confident it was legit until he saw the interrogation. Has anyone experienced this? If so, did you receive any information about long term damage? My echo was abnormal and my EF was reduced from 52% to 43%. I feel like crap and have no confidence in my heart or device at this point. 




Irregular beats

After being unwell with arrhythmias for several weeks, I had an echocardiogram and a 7 day monitor. As it happened, these two tests were done during a period of feeling well which I have been this month up until recently. The echocardiogram result said: LV non-dilated with mild concentric hypertrophy (1.3cm), Systolic function normal at 65%, Left atrium borderline dilated, No other significant valve abnormalities,

7 day report had lots of stuff I don't understand but the summary was...


ICD pain

I first had a pacemaker inserted, then remove and an icd inserted.  The icd was inserted 5 years ago.  Recently i have had regular and consistent pain in my left breast.  It will not go away.  Has anyone ever had such a thing and what does it mean?

I will be having my icd battery replace next Spring.



I have a pacemaker/Defibrillator (ICD). I would like to get a few small tattoos on opposite arm not on incision site. Doc is worried about an infection from the needles. Anyone ever hear of someone getting an infection at ICD site this way??


CRT-D and shoulder range of motion?

So I am just throwing this out there as a question.  Has anyone experienced decreases in range of motion in their shoulder or shoulder and back pain on the same side as their CRT-D?  I have had some serious left sided shoulder and back pain with decreased range of motion the last couple years despite exercising.  At first I thought it was posture etc but I am starting to wonder if it's related to the location of my CRT-D.  I am going to ask my EP about this but I am no...


Defibrillator activation

My pacemaker was placed Aug 2023. It is a Medtronic CRT-D. 
Last Wednesday I was getting on my exercise mat to do morning stretches. Just got on my back when I experienced a shock which I initially thought was my demise! What a feeling. 
As recommended by my ep doc we called 911 and got transported to the local hospital. After several tests, ecg, xray, bloodwork etc. they checked my pacemaker memory and determined that the defib was triggered by ventricular tachycardia.&nb...


CRT-D question

  • by R2D2
  • 2024-02-19 21:15:11
  • ICDs

I was just reading some information about the difference between a CRT-D and a CRT-P or ICD and was interested in the treatment part of it in regards to the mild little shocks it gives to cause the heart to beat in both sides. I'm making this generic, but from what I understand, it's more than just regular pacemaker stuff like making your heart go faster when it needs to. If I read it right, this provides an extra bit of therapy that no other device does. It actually gives me some new...


Exercise following a shock

  • by Wings
  • 2024-02-11 06:57:35
  • ICDs

Hi All

Sorry for this long message but I need to give some background before asking some questions (if you dont mind)

I had a Medtronic ICD fitted about 2 and a half months ago (dual, pacemaker and defib) following a cardiac incident while out jogging that eventually led to me being shocked in hospital to get my heart rhythm back on track.

Turned out I had Arrthymgenic cardiomyopathy that had finally reached a point of "no return" (was told most likely ju...


Question about sensations during ICD self-check

Hi everyone,

I'm a new club-member and was recently implanted with a Boston Scientific Resonate HF ICD. Whenever the device runs a self-check, I feel a fluttering in my upper chest that extends up through my esophagus to the base of my throat. It's a very unpleasant feeling and has startled me a couple of times while I was driving. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm going to ask that the self-check feature be disabled when I go to my 3 month follow-up, but in the mea...


Periods of High Heart Rate

Hi, I have been experiencing high heart rates often and for long periods of time. I checked with the remote monitoring team and the data looked good with heart rates of 50 to 60 but occasionally of 120 to 130 but that is expected I am told. I asked about arrhythmias as I feel a flutter when running high. I was told that there was no tachycardia or AF at all right across the range of bpm. They also said that the increase in bpm was being driven by my heart not the device. I went to my loc...


CRT-D vs ICD decision

my father's lvef of 20-25%, got stented in 2017 after a heart attack. last week he had an episode of VT/VF. he is currently on meds on)

one doc suggested CRT-D implantation, other suggested ICD. the second one is a better doc overall.

I asked his assistant is that why not CRTD, she said they will do tests on admission to determine whats best for the patient (crtd or icd)

the admission and surgery is scheduled for monday by the second doc, I am worried that the doc will n...


ICD Safety

Just had a Gallant DR ICD implanted from  Abbott Labs. I am concerned about EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference) effect on my device from mototcycle riding.

Does anyone have any info on this subject?


New to having an ICD



Im 47 and from Blackpool UK. I've just had an ICD fitted due to VT heart rhythms and diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Weeks prior to knowing this outcome I was swimming at a competitive level both in pool and open water. I was an active member of a triathlon club and walking the Lake District Wainwright summits. 

I know it's early days, 2 weeks post op, but I'm trying to look what I may be able to do in the future after I get the fir...


You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.