Join the Club

As a registered member, you can:

  • Ask other recipients questions and receive moral support
  • Post messages, comments and photos
  • Send and receive private messages
  • Search our membership list
  • Meet new "wired" friends
  • Chat with others

We respect your privacy and won't sell or give others your email address.

Required Information

All required information will remain confidential, except your username.

Tip: If you do not want to share personal information, select a username that does not contain your real name or email address.

Email Notifications

If you like, we can notify you by email when someone comments on a posting you make or you receive a private message. Put a check next to the items you would like to be notified about:

Optional Information

You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

Member Quotes

It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.