Thank you to this group

I received my PM on 3/31/09 and have found this site to be invaluable. I have a medical background and so felt I was well prepared for the physical components but there were still so many things I didn't know. The emotional support has been wonderful;even though I haven't done a lot of posting I've read the comments frequently. That helped me when I hit an emotional bad patch, but still I know thank goodness for this technology! Also there have been physical things that I wasn't aware of and listening to others is so helpful. I've known for 5-6 years that I had a SSS (my own diagnosis) but the first EP I saw minimized it. I waited a while and knew something was really wrong (see sometimes we even doubt ourselves)/ If you feel you have an issue get another opinion I went back to my cardiologist and he referred me to another EP-thank goodness for both of these wonderful physicians. I have some other rhythm issues so ended up with a loop recorder which helped give us a plan and showed that I had significant pauses even long enough to activate the asystole component. I should have known a lot of things but didn't realize because stuff came on so gradual. Finding this site continues to be a blessing and I've been referring people here. I have a friend in his 20's who has a PM and ICD for 9 years and didn't know you were here. Thank you to everyone in the Pacemaker Club


Welcome to our family!!!!

by harley63 - 2009-06-10 05:06:31

Dottodot~ (cute name, by the way)

Welcome and please join in on the discussion. Your personal life experiences are priceless. SO glad your here!!

Zoom on,


by Tracey_E - 2009-06-10 12:06:14

Welcome to the club! Make yourself at home and please don't be shy about jumping in.

It's amazing how you miss stuff that comes on gradually. I knew all my life I would eventually need a pm but still missed the symptoms and ended up in emergency surgery. Oops! I didn't realize how bad I felt until I woke up with the pm feeling energized beyond my wildest imagination.

You know you're wired when...

You forecast electrical storms better than the weather network.

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We are ALIVE! How wonderful is modern medicine.