Home INR testing

Does anyone have experience with a specific company for home inr monitoring. The company I've been involved with has been messing around for 3 months even though I'm approved that's as far as it's gone and I'm looking for another provider. Thanks dottodot



by Smeagol22 - 2010-04-24 08:04:56


I use the INRatio home testing equipment. I did some dull testing with a nurse for about an hour over the phone and then bought their over priced INR strips for 145 bucks for 12 in a box which was sinful. I don't call in my results to the Dr.. I do it all on my own (personal reasons - I recommend you call to the doc and let them help with your level). I also recommend going up on ebay to buy your strips, you will save a ton of money!

Good luck to ya! I wouldn't trade in my INR machine for a lab blood test in a million years.. I couldn't be happier!

Pax et Lux,


Home Testing ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-04-24 10:04:21

My INR Nurse told me I could home monitor if I wanted to. She said I would have to test once a week and still call in the results to the office. For me, if my INR reading is between 2.0-3.0, I only need to visit their office once per month for an INR test & be read there. I pay "through the nose", but my social security + Blue Cross/Blue Shield pays most everything the Dr. orders.

Each person has their own needs, but it is just easier for me to do a once a month test in the office than once per week and call in from my home and wait on machnes to answer the phone, etc. Besides, I live in a rural area and this gives me/friend(s) a good excuse to go into the big town and eat out ~ oink, oink.

My cardio/EP said in the Fall, maybe late Fall, a new drug is coming out called "Dabigatran" which will cease the need for INR checks. Of course, that will be a brand name and new, so I am not sure what it will cost each person compared to insurance and/or no insurance or country by country.

This new drug has been studied by the FDA for several years now. My Dr. said Canada has it already, plus other countries ~ ~ Any drug will beat having to take that RAT poisoning, Comadin/Warfarin.

Take Care, Have a Great Week,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Beautiful Baseball Weather ~

INR home-monitoring

by golden_snitch - 2010-04-24 11:04:04

Hey there!

I'm home-monitoring my INR but I'm in Germany, and here it's probably different than in the U.S. I do not need a company, I got a prescription from my cardio, participated in a two-days course to learn about anti-coagulation and how to handle the monitor, and then went home with it. I also don't need to call my cardio every week to tell him what my INR is, I have learned and am allowed to adjust the dosage myself, and he takes a look at my INR-list every now and then. I have been home-monitoring my INR for nearly five years now, and have never ever had a complication or an INR that is way too high or too low. My monitor is by "Roche", and it's called "Coaguchek XS".

Carolyn, studies have shown that it is much safer to monitor the INR more closely, as for example once a week. People who do that have less complications from anti-coagulation (either bloods clots when INR is too low, or bad bleeding when INR is too high). The INR can fluctuate a lot in the course of one month, especially in younger people. Because of all those studies confirming that it is better to check the INR more often, all insurance companies in Germany pay for a home-monitor, all you have to do is this two-days training.

Best wishes

home inr

by dottodot - 2010-04-24 12:04:16

thanks for the comments. The new drug hasn't been approved yet and it may not be available for all persons. The issue with INR monitoring is that the studies show that more frequent monitoring is actually safer because as Inga stated levels can fluctuate significantly.

Inga, the company I'm dealing with has the monitor you mentioned and when I did a bunch of research that appeared to be one of the best and that's why I went the direction I did. I think the issue is that they haven't found anyone to send to do "training". Actually I have lots of friends who are lab people and RNs as I was a practicing RN for 43 years until retirement 2 years ago. The process is pretty easy. maybe I'll give them one more chance. Thanks for your response.

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