pace maker syndrome

This is my first post with the PMC.

I am interested in sharing info with others re my experience with PM Syndrome. Is there one forum that is best suited for this subject?


Where to post

by ElectricFrank - 2009-12-30 11:12:56

I would suggest posting it under Complications. Since the forum shows the last 15 posts getting it under the proper area is less important.

Looking forward to hearing your experiences.


Wanting To Know More ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2009-12-31 01:12:22

Your first post to the PMC is very welcome.

The "comments" you receive from your "postings" on your condition are usually very educated and written with a lot of experience from people who have had PM's for years & know a lot about what they speak of.

If you want to share with others on the PM site, please feel free to post on the "Welcome" screen, as you did. I enjoy reading everyone else's experiences, but never knew to go over to the left column under "Forums" and read the individual titles.

Let us hear more re: your condition.



by Shirley - 2009-12-31 02:12:47

Welcome to the PM site.

Looking forward to hearing about your experiences. I have learnt a lot on here from some very knowledgable and friendly folks. I usually read the "Recent Messages" 1st.

Looking forward to a good year ahead for all of us.


Me Too

by ppt - 2009-12-31 11:12:43

I have been diagnosed with Pacemaker Syndrome as well. It took almost 9 months to get the settings on the PM good for me. Constantly tired, Short of Breath (SOB), dizzy, no ability to walk across a room - could not even think of exercising - it was really bad. Finally got referred to an EP and he kept changing PM settings (he was trying hard to avoid replacing my dual chamber PM with a bi-ventricular PM (3 leads) ). On a scale of 1 to 10 I went from 2/3 to an 8 in a matter of a few months. One thing that he did on first visit that helped him sooooooo much was he put me on an Event Recorder for a month (not a Holter Monitor) - it gave him soooooo much information to work with. Now I can exercise just fine (well almost)


by simplicity2378 - 2010-01-06 10:01:16

My mom has had a lot of issues getting used to her pacemaker. Her first Doctor told her she had pacemaker syndrome. He changed her medications and said her blood pressure of 160/100 wasn't a big deal. I took her for a second opinion after they changed after she began to have heart palpitations. They adjusted her settings which helped with her palpitations and put her back on her old meds which helped with the high blood pressure. She is still getting episodes of a sensation she cannot describe. From what I can understand she get's tired feels a bit out of breath and feels a bit of chest pressure. She also says she feels a weird sensation in her stomach. The sensation lasts a few minutes.

What is an EP?

by hrtfl88 - 2010-01-12 12:01:08

I believe I have Pacemaker Syndrome by my searching the internet. I have not gone back to my surgeon as I have some questions about him. I have pounding heart beats. I had a 3 lead pacemaker replacement for a dual pacemaker on 11/18/09. PPT wrote she had corrections done by an EP. Who is that?

ep= electrophysiologist

by blueangel1432 - 2010-01-20 11:01:42

your pacer guy.

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