Finding spacifics of my pacemaker

Would like to find spacafic pictures and information about my St. Jude Medical model 2073933.



by pacergirl - 2009-04-11 10:04:50

I tried to locate the information you are asking for, but I need to have the name of the pacemaker you have.

I have a St. Jude Medical "Identity" model and I can easily locate a picture of it. I can't locate yours because I don't know what kind it is. If you can let me know I can probably help you. I sure understand your interest in wanting to see what it looks like and how it functions. I find mine to be quite fascinating!

Hope you can get back to me... would like to help you.



by sputnick - 2009-04-12 06:04:09

should have said click on pacemakers after product library, and THEN scroll down to your particular pacemaker- sorry! Jan

Just found this

by sputnick - 2009-04-12 06:04:52

in last couple days:
go to then click on Product library then whatever pacemaker name is yours (mine is a Victory XL DR), then on left hand side click on technical specification, then click on appropriate one for you on that page. It's really interesting!
Hope this helps, Jan

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