I'm surprisingly better

Someone left me a message a couple of weeks ago responding to my question about fatigue. I lost the website and could not log back in (I'm a little clueless when it comes to technology) I wanted to say thank you. Your insightful suggestion that depression could be contributing to the constant and numbing fatigue made me think about it. I stopped feeling sorry for myself as being hard done in by life, fate, my family etc. Almost immediately I felt better, got out of my bed of self suffering and came back to life. I am back to work full time and appreciate the new opportunity for life that God has given me. I still feel tired but know I am on the mend. I have a life and family to tend to..Thank you for your advice



by pacergirl - 2009-04-18 08:04:14

Well how about that!

This is GREAT NEWS! So happy to hear it.
(-¿-) Me smiling for you! he he

Thank you both very much

by rosette - 2009-04-24 07:04:13

Well back to work and decided that maybe I am in line for some more spititual gifts so I bought a 155 million jackpot mega bucks lotto card...did not get even one number but I did apply for and recieved (unexpectively) about $6,000,000 in grant funding to help expand health care services to the 100,000 uninsured patients we serve at my Health Center network. It is amazing how some of our personal health issues pale in comparison to the pain and suffering of so many others who have no access to the kind of care I was able to receive because I have health insurance..

Thank you both for your positive reinforcement

You know you're wired when...

You have rhythm.

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Your heart’s electrical system has a manmade helper. A helper that only knows to do what it is programmed to do and will perform that function day in and day out, without fail. Now, go enjoy your new grip on life.