New to all this...

Hello all! I am new to the club...just got my pacemaker installed yesterday, so needless to say, in a bit of pain and quite uncomfortable at the moment, but looking forward to feeling better. I only just started this journey in January - blacked out while driving and then started all kinds of neuro testing. Thank God for my Neurologist who looked at my EKG from the ER and thought something looked wanky. She set me up to see a Cardiologist and on the way, I had about 20 more episodes including another major one that also resembled a seizure. All neuro testing came back clear (thank God). Then did the battery of Cardiac stuff and my 30 day Holter didn't even last the whole time...Cardiologist called me three weeks in and told me I needed medication and a pacer...pretty shocking! Well, I was only told this on Thursday, 4/9/09 and had the surgery yesterday, 4/13/09...pretty, now I'm recovering and hopefully on the way to feeling great! Thanks for all the information and support here on the website! It's been a great help!


Good luck, pezzypooh!

by NWGirl - 2009-04-14 11:04:41

I am so glad the doctors found out what was wrong with you. I am exactly 4 weeks from having my pacemaker installed, and like you, it was a shock. I am finding it is a mental journey of healing as well as a physical one, and I finally feel like I am climbing towards the top of that long hill to recovery.

So give yourself time. Even though the outside incision begins to heal in a week or two, the inside, where the pacemaker was inserted, takes awhile longer. You may be sore for longer than you think, but you will regain your strength. And mentally getting used to the idea of a pacemaker takes some time, also.This site has been so valuable to me - reading everyone's progress.

So, relax, and don't try to do too much. Find some good books to read, some movies you've been wanting to watch, and let your body heal. Sleep with lots of pillows, so you can find a comfortable position. Stay in touch with your doctor and check in here to tell us of your progress. Good luck, best wishes, and good healing to you!

NW Girl


by chip - 2009-04-15 01:04:21

Welcome - Like you I passed out while driving (pretty scary stuff)! You’re pacemaker can really make a positive difference in your life. Don’t be afraid to ask should you have any questions. This site and its members have a wealth of real world information to offer! Best of luck!

Oh yeah

by ShadowWeaver - 2009-04-15 07:04:01

btw, I just had my pacer installed 2 weeks ago.


by ShadowWeaver - 2009-04-15 07:04:32

Welcome to the partial bionic's. :) It is a shock and I have seen that once they make up their mind that you need a pacer, they don't tend to want to wait much time at all before they put it in. Like MWGirl said, the physical recovery will happen fairly quickly, but the emotional healing can take a bit longer. Make sure to keep your friends and family close by and let them know what you are feeling. It is quite a shock to suddenly have to have battery back-up for your heart and having friends and family to talk to is an amazing way to relieve some of the stress and depression that tends to happen to all of us. Just keep in mind that every day now is a day not of being limited, but a day where you get to live that you may not have had at all before. Good luck with your recovery and keep us informed of how you are doing.


by DC - 2009-04-15 09:04:17

Glad you are doing ok. Just had a pacemaker fitted myself  and am rather sore and uncomfortable. lHad a couple of faints and head seizures. Have a condition called fabry which can affect the workings of the heart.  I am looking forward to feeling better and would be interested to know how you are getting along.All the bestDC

Me too

by abreaux - 2009-04-16 01:04:22

The passing out while driving will definitely get your attention, won't it? My car burned up when I crashed, but thanks to a good samaritan driving behind me, I didn't burn up. And like you I went through a jillion neuro tests, all coming back fine. They finally figured out it was my heart when I passed out again just talking on the phone to a coworker, and they saw the decelerations on the Holter monitor printout. 3 days later I had a pacemaker - at 42 - what a concept. Like everyone else said, it'll feel normal and OK in a couple months, and pretty soon you won't even notice it, except no more passing out while driving or living your life - thank goodness.

Welcome to our little group - after your driving incident, I'm glad you're still alive to join us.


Hey A-M!

by pezzypooh - 2009-04-18 04:04:49

Hey, A-M...don't feel bad to get a PM at 42...I'm only 30!!! :)

You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.