I was wondering if anyone had been shocked by defib

I was wondering if anyone had been shocked more than 38 times by their defibulator, and if so how are they coping with the fear (if any) of being shocked again.

Kind Regards,



Shocked 38 times

by ElectricFrank - 2009-04-17 10:04:39

Have you talked to your doctor about it? There are two main reasons for so many shocks.

One is that the defib isn't adjusted correctly in which case you are getting unnecessary shocks. This is not only uncomfortable, but not the best for your heart.

The second is that you received the shocks because you needed them. This could be an indication of a serious situation and the doc needs know about it.



by kcruz - 2009-04-17 10:04:52


I have been shocked, the most I received at one time was7 in a row, was not very pleasant. It took quite a while for me to not be oversensitive to the flips of my heart afterwards, but did come with time. I was at a pacer clinic where I had encountered a with another person that had received 50 shocks in a row, I know that this person had shared with me that they were having several issues with coping afterwards and at one point stated that they had to seek help for the after effects. With that being said I think you will find that this site is excellent for support when it comes to sharing experiences and it helps a lot know that your not alone .


by handyman - 2009-05-02 06:05:42

yes i have been shocked 52 times in 1 hour .it was my second defibulater now i,m fearfull to have a new one put in because of it.i still have my dizzyness and things and can,t get a doctor to say it will never happen agian.

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