High Blood Pressure

Ok, I think I have to do something about my High Blood Pressure. I have been doing some research and I think that the reason I am getting dizzy, tired and can't get my heart rate up is because of the medication the dr. doubled the last time I was in his office. I see them today so I will have a "frank" discussion with them.

My question is: How do you, my pacer friends, lower your blood pressure? I have been checking and I see that I need to lower my salt intake, add some more exercise, eat less salt and eat more fresh veggies. Is there anything else I can do?

I don't want to depend on meds (which kick my behind) to lower the blood pressure.

I welcome any and all comments.
Thank you all so much,

Anyone want to be my "lower your blood pressure" Buddy? =)



by wiredwoman - 2009-11-09 04:11:58

hi pacergirl,

everyone's given some good advice. i think breath is the #1 thing. people practicing yoga, like i believe you do (?) usually have a leg up on others there, though many are still shallow breathers at other times. dennis lewis explains the chemical changes that take place in his "breathing as a metaphor for living" cd. i've never regarded breathing as anything less than miraculous since hearing that.

there are many other things that can be done to lower bp - some are additions, (CoQ10, l-arginine etc) some are subtractions (caffeine, stress, etc). i'm not comfortable recommending supps for people but would rather point you to good reference books you can peruse in bookstores or health food stores or perhaps even online and see for yourself what clicks. you can just page to 'hypertension' and read the few pages devoted to that, if you like:

Healing Without Medication - Robert Rister.
Healthy Healing - Linda Page
Prescription for Nutritional Healing - Balch

also eastern theory says the liver is the 'mother' of the heart, so when the liver is stressed or toxic, it pulls from the heart, weakening it. a few top liver stressors are: hormonal changes (esp. menopause), toxins in the air, water, food, and our thoughts, mental/emotional stress and drugs. i combine lightening the load on the liver and strengthening the heart simultaneously.

best of luck,


by jessie - 2009-11-09 07:11:18

i lost 22 pounds since summer and my b.p. is 110/62 i am pleased. i try to enjoy lots of vegetables salad and fruits and some protein and little bread. it worked for me. i try to walk but ahve been ill for several weeks and can't seem to get back to it. hope this helps. every once in awhile i have a nice dessert. life has got to be somewhat enjoyable. take care hon jessie


by Carolyn65 - 2009-11-09 09:11:52

Pacergirl, my background in life included: After being raised by my wonderful, loving delightful, large German Grandmother on my Mother's side of the family while growing up and having been fed plenty of real cow's milk, homemade butter, butterfat products, home cured bacons, pork roasts, pork etc., lots of farm fed cows for beef steaks & anything beef and lots of "free range" chickens & eggs from the grandparents farm in Texas, I was a good candidate for signs of "problems". I just have to tell all of you this tho: "free range" chickens is what the ladies all "flock" (no pun intended) to the stores for now. We did not know what "free range" would have meant! Our "free range" was just because we could not keep those ever curious hens in a chicken pen/coop (& they ate all kinds of bugs, worms, & everything outside)! The "free range" chickens & eggs is all we knew/had then, now ladies pay big dollars for that nonsense as it is "advertised" as healthier!!

Anywhoooo, long winded me, my point is not only was I "raised" in the simple, rich, food life/chain, but also, genetically, I inherited my BP, cholesterol & whatever else from my wonderful, sweet Grandma & her families over the generations per my GP/Dr./blood lab tests. The GP said it could be caused by over weight, aging & too much of the good "stuff" (alcohol) also. ( :

Until recently, in the last few years, we, my cousins/Aunts/Uncles, etc. in my families did not talk about our health issues. No, that would have been a sign of "weakness" and "whining". Thus I never knew I "inherited" "stuff" until my GP told me. Come to find out, all of us in that family is/was on some form or fashiion of meds. for BP, arthuritis (sp?), cholesterol, etc. ~ you name it.

Maybe, pacergirl, some of your BP, etc. could be inherited? Yes, all that you "studied" up on is very important & helpful and drink plenty of water to "wash" your system. Have a great week, Carolyn G. of TEXAS ( :


by Gellia2 - 2009-11-09 11:11:21

I hate to say, but if you are a chocoholic, like I am, chocolate and all caffeine products can affect your BP.

I had to stop eating Hershey's Kisses to get mine down.
Not something that made me very happy, but it did work.

I also love coffee and had to moderate that. It really did help, though. My BP is low - normal now.

Just a thought.
Best to you,

All of the Above

by ppt - 2009-11-09 11:11:22

Watch salt (never add any to cooking and buy salt free as much as possible) , caffeine (decaf coffee, decaf soda) - chocolate only on weekends - so we are all on the same page but I also do meditation. I felt stupid at first but now it is getting to be routine. I meditate before I start my day and before I go to bed at night. It really has helped. And mine is a lot genetic - my mother and my sister and I ..

I'm experimenting with...

by GMan - 2009-11-11 08:11:04

CoQ10 from Dr. Sinatra.com. So far I've dropped Lisinopril. Pressure has been consistently low each morning. Also cut SALT! And don't check your pressure after 911 ing!

Dr. Gary

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I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.