
i got my pm 4 weeks ago im trying to find out if i can still drine tractor trailer and pull hazardous chemicals ive been an over the road driver for 16 yrs i dont know what ill do if i cant drive anymore



by Tracey_E - 2009-05-18 10:05:27

You'll need to ask your employer about their insurance regulations, and ask your doctor about any restrictions. But you should be fine!

Driving and Pacemakers

by J.B. - 2009-05-18 12:05:13

I'm a mechanic and work on over the road rigs every week. I know two drivers that have pacemakers and they have no problems due to the pacemaker. Their problem came trying to get DOT recertification. For some reason some doctors that give those physicals have a hang up about people with pacemakers driving over the road rigs. Crazy I know and it shows how little they know about pacemakers, but talk to your doctor and be prepared if you have to be recertified.


You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic man.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker is the best thing that every happened to me, had I not got it I would not be here today.