work and stuff

i have had my pacemaker since march now and can not get anyone to hire me .should i or can i file for disability ?i also was shocked twice this week could this hurt my pm?ive also been feelin run down and tired lately almost like before i got the pm
any ideas or advice is welcome.



by johnb10000 - 2009-07-21 05:07:43

I don't know if the original poster is on unemployment or living off savings.

I my situation I was laid off in December. I collected unemployment until April until I got too sick to look for work so I stopped turning in the claim forms. In California if you are too sick to work you can't collect unemployment but can apply for disability

I decided go for an ablation operation, see if it works then apply for disability if needed. The operation was last week and I am still taking the drugs that make me too sick too work. Next week I will see the doctor and find our if the afib is gone and I can reduce the drugs.

I looked at state disability and it says you have to apply within 39 days. When I am at the doctor next week I will have him sign the forms and see what happens. Disability pays more than social security does.


by lordshaw - 2009-07-21 11:07:30

im in the usa and i am looking at all the options

Might be drugs

by johnb10000 - 2009-07-21 12:07:58

You should apply for disability now just in case because you have to apply be a certain time. I waited too long to apply.

I think the drugs are the main cause of the tiredness. I was taking Amiodarone for about three years and was able to work but it was starting to affect my eyesight. The new drugs make me sick to my stomach, tired and can't walk far.

You also need to see the doctor about the shocks. They might be able to change the pacemaker settings or change medications.

When looking for a job don't mention medical conditions since most companies won't hire you because the company insurance premium would go up.

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As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.