losin it

still looking for work and still getting the sorry your a liability .waitin on disability and just discouraged why has this happened to me now ive had it 5 mnth and want to work .........................i feel like im losing my grip on things any feed back is more than welcome............GOD BLESS YALL.



by Pookie - 2009-08-02 11:08:26


You're not alone. Many of us feel that we have lost a part of our lives after receiving a pacer or defib, but it will get better.

I was 42, back in 2004, when I got my pacemaker and tried my hardest to go back to work, which I did, then after a few other illnesses I just had to quit work. The first year and a half I was too busy being sick to care about work but now I miss it terribly, but I don't have a choice...my health comes first.

There are days that I look out the window and watch my neighbours who are in their late 80s and one is 90...they can do so much more than I...sometimes I get angry or almost jealous, but there must be a reason why I"m going thru this....I might never find the answer, but I try to keep my days as occupied as I can doing what I can do.

You will find your way, just never give up hope.

(I was thinking that when I do get my health back, perhaps I could find a job I could do from home...just a thought for you too???)


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