arrhythmias, pacemaker and oral contraceptives

I was diagnosed with arrhythmias at age 11. Now I am 25. I've had 5 ablations and got a pacemaker 4 months ago. I've been taking oral contraceptives for about 2 years but recently went to another Ob-Gyn who said that I was crazy for doing that! My former doctor said that my cardiac issues had nothing to do with birth control, but this one said that I simply can't use anything with hormones. Because of the arrhythmias and the pacemaker. When I asked about other options, he said that the only one is using a condom. My husband is not so happy about this. Is anyone here taking birth control pills? What do your doctors say about it?


That's a First!

by ela-girl - 2009-07-10 09:07:00

I have NEVER heard this statement from ANY of my doctors. I have had my pm for almost 3 years now and have been on the pill the entire time. No problems whatsoever. I know every person is different and has different issues and use different ways to manage even the same problems...but no pill?

I would get another opinion. Especially if your OB/GYN is telling you this and NOT your cardiologist/EP. The past few months I have been off the pill because my husband and I were trying for a baby...and we have fertility issues. I have been taking every fertility med under the sun with no problems either. And those REALLY mess with your hormones. I just went back on the pill (we have to go IVF at a later time) with no problems, too.

So, that's my experience. Private message me if you have other questions...



by kcruz - 2009-07-10 09:07:27

I am surprised but not in the response from your physician. I would be willing to bet that they are thinking increase risk of DVT with device. I had to go through some hoops with my first device but there should be no reason you couldn't be on BCP's of some sort. I would suggest you have your Cardio/ EP and OBGYN talk

birth control

by sam78 - 2009-07-10 11:07:51

I had to go off birth control because of high blood pressure, not anything to do with arrhythmias or my pacemaker. I would trust what my cardiologist unless the cardiologist is not familiar with the birth control you are using. Is there a reason you couldnt consider something like an IUD?

Never heard of this, either

by pacemaker writer - 2009-07-11 05:07:02

I've been a medical writer working for or with pacemaker companies for the last 19 years, and I have NEVER HEARD THIS or anything remotely like it.

I'm one of the people who writes pacemaker manuals and package inserts and I can assure there is not any warning in the pacemaker manual that says a person with a pacemaker cannot take birth control pills or therapeutic doses of hormones. The FDA requires manuals to state all things that may be risky or dangerous to people using the product (pacemakers). Furthermore, if there was a real danger, the birth control pills would have to be labeled to say, "Don't take this if you have a pacemaker." (You've probably seen this with cold medicines that say "Don't take this if you have high blood pressure.")

I'd go back and clarify with this my doctor or get a second opinion ... this doesn't seem right.

Well, this new doctors said he doesn't like implanting IUDs before having a baby. He didn't give many options. I'm considering seeing another one because it

by mereiriz - 2009-07-11 10:07:44

Well, this new doctor said that he doesn't like implanting IUDs without before having a baby. He didn't give many options. I'm considering seeing another doctor, because it is true; my cardiologist and EP never said anything about the pill. My EP is one of the best from the Cleveland Clinic and I'm sure she knows what she's doing. Anyway, thank you very much for your advices.

try another dr

by Tracey_E - 2009-07-12 10:07:02

There are many reasons they may not consider you a candidate for b/c pills, but I've never heard of having a pm as one of those reasons. I took them for several years after I got my pm. If your cardiologist is ok with it, I'd either go back to the gyn and ask again or get a new doc.

They generally do not want to give you an iud if you do not have kids and eventually want them. It's rare, but they can cause infertility.

I couldn't tolerate them

by mandogrl - 2009-07-12 12:07:31

They tried me on a low dose birth control back in the 70's (b4 I knew what my problem really was: neurocardiogenic syncope), and my fainting episodes increased like crazy. When I stopped the bc pills, my fainting went back to it normal frequency.
If you're not showing symptoms from taking the pill, I'd say go ahead. It beats unwanted pregnancy!


by Tracey_E - 2009-07-14 12:07:59

Ok, the more I think about this, the more I think you need a new doc. I just had a lightbulb moment- remembered the time years ago when they took me off hormones because of migraines and I used a diaphragm until they let me have my pills back. Not only is it crazy to rule out all hormones without even discussing it with your cardio, but there are several barrier methods out there that don't involve hormones or iud's. You have the right to hear more options.

Birth Control

by pezzypooh - 2009-08-08 12:08:19

Hi...I just went to my OB-Gyn in July, and it was my first visit since getting the pacemaker. I was taken off of the pill due to my blood pressure being all over the map, nothing to do with the pacemaker. She explained that since the pill is an oral contraceptive, the hormones go through your whole body and can affect many systems, especially your blood pressure. I was put on the Nuva Ring, which centralizes the hormones to your girl parts, so less chance of blood pressure issues. I have used it for a month now, and things are looking a bit better on the BP issues (not perfect, but better!). Ask your doctor about Nuva Ring...has been a great option for me!

I just talked to my OB

by Colie_bb - 2012-09-24 02:09:40

I just talked to my OB about birth control options (I just had a baby 6 weeks ago and got a pacemaker 3 weeks ago) and she told me that shed have to check with another OB and my cardiologist to see if it was okay if I had a hormone releasing birth control. I don't want to be on the pill because I got pregnant on the pill so we are looking at the arm plant or and iud. I'd personally rather have the arm plant.

You know you're wired when...

You trust technology more than your heart.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.