drains and surgical ablation

Hi! I had surgical ablation of my sinus node on July 30 to treat my Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. It seems it worked (after 5 failed catheter ablations) and now my pacemaker is doing all the job. My SA node is not working, and it feels weird, but great, to have a perfect rhythm at last!

My question is about the drains they used in surgery. They had to deflate my right lung and there was a lot of fluid accumulated afterwards, so they put two Blake drains on the right side. Problem is that it's been more than two weeks already and they're still as open as the first day. Every day I see blood and some other fluid coming out of them and then they seem to close, and they open again. They don't seem to be healing at all. I'm not able to go and see the surgeon who operated on me because I live in Puerto Rico and he's in in Cleveland. My local cardiologist checked me and suggested putting a bandage around my chest to make some pressure and let the excess fluid come out. But it's really painful and uncomfortable! Do you know how long does it take for this to close? Any advice would be appreciated!



Drain Removal

by Silversmith - 2009-08-18 02:08:09

I suggest that you get on the Internet and go to the Cleveland Clinic web site and on the right side of the home page toward the bottom you will find a list of the Cleveland Clinics. Select the one where you had your surgery and send them a message.

From what I can find Blake drains have been known to stay in for a little as two days to more than 21 days. Based on the description you gave of your problem it sounds like you need to contact the C. C. by Internet or phone.

drain removal

by patpeter - 2009-08-19 07:08:03

I agree with Silversmith, you need to contact the surgeon. If the drains came out 2 wks ago you should be seeing the openings improve and the pain decreasing. The symptoms you describe may indicate an infection which needs to be treated right away. Are you running a fever, or having chills? If so contact the Cleveland Clinic by phone and/or website as soon as you can.
Not trying to scare you but you must attend to this, take good care and let us know what happens.

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I am just now 40 but have had these blackouts all my life. I am thrilled with the pacer and would do it all over again.