Hello Everyone!

Hope everyone is doing ok tonight!! :) I have another question for my smart friends. This is gross so sorry in advance! I got a stomach virus last Sunday and threw up ALL night. I stopped throwing up the next morning but when I was throwing up it felt like my pacemaker and lead were being pulled out of my chest!! Then I was having a sharp pain where the pacemaker is the rest of the night. Well now it is still sore but just a dull ache. Do you think I messed something up? The pacemaker is still working because I have checked my pulse. So is it normal for it to be so sore still? Also as some of you know I started taking sotalol about a month ago. The first week on it was awful but since then I have felt much better. Now it seems like I am not even taking anything since the virus. I am back to feeling yucky. Monday and Tuesday I just thought I was dehydrated but now it's been almost a week and still my heart is acting crazy like before starting the medicine. I am starting to kind of get worried because no one in the house got sick and I am still feeling so bad. Maybe it wasn't a virus. Could it have been my heart causing me to throw up all night?



by J.B. - 2010-03-20 01:03:23

Symptoms of a heart attack can include vomiting, but not all night. I think you probably named your problem when you said virus. However, straining to vomit can cause all sorts of problems with muscles. While i doubt that you hurt the pacemaker you could have pulled muscles it is surrounded by. Also, I guess there is a remote possibility you could have damaged a lead, but since it goes from the pacemaker to the heart inside a vein, I think damage is unlikely.

The only way to know for sure is to see your doctor which I would recommend if the soreness, or any other discomfort last for even a couple of days.


by thomast - 2010-03-20 11:03:47

I don't know if it affects you the same way, but i was on Sotalol for 4 months and was sick for 4 months. lost 40 pounds. All I was able to eat was j sust a few bites of scrambled eggs or toast every day. keep telling my Doctor it was the Sotalol but he did not believe me. Finally he took me off it and i was eating everything in sight the next day..Put me on Tikosyn and have been on it for 5 years with no problems.


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