8 point drop

My echos have always been good and very consistent on the EF. My EF dropped eight points since last time but I am still very much in normal range. I do not have the test results but I saw it on the screen. Should I be concerned?



by nat36 - 2011-02-03 03:02:23

That's what I have been telling myself. I have just never had one where it went down at all. That on top of feeling so bad most of the time makes me pretty sure I will look for a new doctor now. My heart was pausing every fourth beat the whole time during the test so I am thinking maybe that could be one reason it was lower. I have had an echo before when my heart was tachy and it did not change the EF so maybe I'm wrong on that. I have an appt in three weeks that I was not even sure I was going to go to but I guess I should to get the results. Also when I was there last time he lowered my high rate to 120 and set it to record anything above that because he thinks I am having atrial tachy in the 140 range and wanted to see how much it was doing it. Would that cause a drain on my battery if I didn't change that back. It would be recording a whole lot. I really don't want to go back to him at all.

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