skipped beats fatigue

Had Cox maze 4 procedure in 2006 at Barnes Jewish Hospital that finally cured a-fib. Before that I had 5 ablations including left pulmonary vein. Off all meds from that point on.

Then I recently developed a sick sinus node, Junctional rhythm during stress test. Had Adapta DR pacemaker implanted Feb 10 2009. Now, about 4 times a month I experience missed beats with fatigue, pressure in chest and slight headache. Anywhere from 3-8 hours at a time. Feel like crap – no energy. Is this normal?


Not normal

by ElectricFrank - 2009-05-04 11:05:41

What you are feeling is not normal, but neither is your heart after 5 ablations.

Have you talked it over with the cardiologist yet. What does he/she think is happening?


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