muscle twitiching

I have had a pm [medtronic] for 6 weeks and suddenly developed a consistent muscle twitch in my leg (inner thigh area) after my first pm check-up on 05/01. The twitch is not painful but I can feel it and see it. Does anyone have any experience with muscle twitiching - am I being paranoid or is it just a coincidence that the twitching started on the same day my pm was checked? The twitching has been consistent for 6 straight days.

Thank you!


probably coincidence

by Tracey_E - 2009-05-07 10:05:16

If it's not around the pm or leads, it's more than likely a coincidence.

Muscle Twitching

by SMITTY - 2009-05-07 11:05:01

Hello SufBoss,

As Tracey said, it is probably a coincidence and not related to the pacemaker. However, if you are taking any new medicines, that is always a possibility, an unlikely one, but still a possibility.

If you have the time, go to this web site

As you will see there are many possibilities and this may give you some ideas.

Good luck,


Check this out

by ElectricFrank - 2009-05-08 12:05:35

Does the twitching happen in sync with your heart beat? Try feeling your wrist pulse to check it out. If it is in sync then the pacer may be involved. Normally, any pacer caused twitches occur between the pacer and heart, but it is possible for a bad lead to leak electrical energy into surrounding body tissue and stimulate a nerve or even the spinal cord. This could cause a twitch in your leg.


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