Just a quick question...does having a PM/Defib qualify a person for SSD? Not that I want to have that qualification, just wondering. I don't have (yet) any other problems other than the cardiomyopathy. Thanks!


Are you too sick to work

by johnb10000 - 2009-07-26 10:07:54

I think you qualify only if you are too sick to work.

With the drugs I am currently taking I have trouble standing for long and can't walk very far. I am going to see if my doctor will sign the paper work for disability at the next visit next week.

After reading through the social security web site it looks like it takes six months from the date we apply until the benefits start. They are like insurance companies and will also do a couple of automatic denials to see if you give up. Medicare will start two years later.

It's here...

by chip - 2009-07-26 11:07:19

You can find the criteria for disability evaluation under Social Security Here:


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