Follow Up After Surgery

Hi, I would like to ask if anyone has had this happen and if you think that it is odd.

After my recent replacement pacemaker my Dr. went to my husband in the waiting area and gave to him the followup instructions. This is what he was told; Have your wife set up an appointment for 3 months followup. Take this antibiotic until it's gone and this is for pain. He gave my husband 2 prescriptions to have filled.

Here is the Question; Is it weird that I am not seeing anyone to check my surgery site? Is it odd that the Dr. isn't concerned that my PM is working properly for 3 months?

The Dr. did say that if I had any problems to call their office. I just feel as if he didn't want to see me anymore. I have insurance, so it isn't that. Maybe it is because he began to stab me with the needle (5 times) before they put me to deep sleep!

Take care and I welcome all responses to my question. Pros and Cons.


Me too

by qwerty - 2010-03-11 04:03:35

I was a little anxious about not having a follow up. My PM was implanted on 1/25 and I go for my first appointment on 3/16. I too wondered if they forgot about me, or if I was a really bad patient... but I was awake the whole time and I really didn't say anything.
Anyway. I'll just say, Thanks to this board, they calmed my rampant fears and my list of questions continues to shorten the closer I get to my check up. I am looking forward to getting the "print out". It should be interesting to see what this thing is doing.
I am just continually amazed at the knowledge on this board and how they all are willing to communicate.
Now if I can just get over this lousy cold before Tuesday, Life will be wonderful!!!


Follow Up After Surgery cont.

by pacergirl - 2010-03-11 07:03:46

Just wanted to thank you guys for all of your replies. I am glad that i am not totally alone in how I am feeling. I am amazed that my Dr. is so confident in his abilities and the ability of the new pacemakers. This should make me feel better, but I am a skeptic. There isn't anything going wrong, but I just am not used to spending more than $50,000 and not having a check up on the incision.

I will get over it, and I have checked the internet and downloaded the information about my particular pacemaker. I checked the temporary pacemaker ID card got the model number and make and did the research. That was how I discovered what kind of pacemaker I had implanted. I was very interested in the bells and whistles that this PM has. Like the beep when I am in trouble/ill or in EOL.

I guess the real problem for me is that Minimal information is shared with patients! A temporary ID paper. That's it. This doesn't seem right to me. If I buy a new car, I get a manual that explains all the bells and whistles. With an pacemaker we get a temp. ID slip. That's what is really annoying me. So much money so little information and follow-up.

However, Thank you again for your comments. Each one is welcome. I really appreciate it.


not weird at all

by Tracey_E - 2010-03-11 09:03:39

I've only had follow ups once out of my 4 replacements, and that was this last time with the new ep and new lead. The other times, my next appt was my regular check. You don't have new leads and the new pm would have been tested before they sent you home and set to your old settings, so there isn't anything that needs checked. Unless your incision looks suspicious, don't give it another thought!

Wierd? ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-03-11 10:03:04

This PM implant "deal" has been wierd to me ever since I had it done 10/09. I have never been to but a few Dr.'s in my adult life, until last year. All my life, IF I have needed to see a Dr., he always wanted a follow-up, even if it was just a cold/flu.

I saw my cardio/Dr. in the surgery room, he put me "out of my/his misery" of my non-stop chattering, and I have not seen him since 10/2/09! I had a one week "check" where someone put a round thingee over my PM & checked a computer for about 15 seconds. She removed what visible o/s "bandaging" I had and that was it! The next was a month check, same thing, maybe it took a whole 2 minutes of a computer check.

Now in mid-April, THE cardio/Dr. wants to see me.
I felt "slighted" at first in October. My thoughts were the Dr. himself would have wanted to see his "work of art" in how the wound/scar looked, so as not to open his own self up to a medical lawsuit. I did not have a problem like that though.

Anyway, besides the wierdness of your meds, which, thankfully, I did not have, YES, I think some of my "feelings" toward this cardio/Dr. has been to his not needing/wanting to see me at all. After all, in the surgery room, the PM, the 2x4 guazes (sp?), my for that alone was $4.00 SHORT of $54,000.00!

Bear Hugs to All ~ I am taking a week trip away,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :

Agreed - not wierd

by ppt - 2010-03-11 10:03:20

I never had a follow up after my initial implant !!!! No instructions from the hospital either as to showering etc. No meds either. I too was concerned - doesn't anybody want to check the incision?? When I asked - they said just call if you notice any pain, infection, leakage etc etc. To them this is like filling a cavity I guess !! You'll know whether they hit a nerve or not and call if needed. Take care. Missing you !! Get better fast !!!

Wierd, Yes!

by Blessed one - 2010-03-11 12:03:35

I had to have a lead replaced and moved to another location and not only did I see my doctor who handles
my ICD, I also saw my cardiologist and my primary doctor. In fact I had to see all 3 - 2 weeks after I went home all on the same day.

In fact my doctor for my ICD had me come to his office
two more times before I was released to go to work. Now I only have to see him once every 3 months as I
have a communicator beside my bed that sends data
to him every week.

As for my cardiologist and primary doctor's I see them once a month, unless there's a problem. I can truly say
I am blessed especially that God has allowed me to be here -I thank God for my ICD and the doctor's whose hands He placed me, they are the best.

Blessed One

depends on the doc

by JessiWay - 2010-03-11 12:03:59

it seems to me like it depends on the doctor. Mine wanted me to come in for a 2 week appt, but it is also my 1st pacemaker. If you feel uncomfortable about it or you have questions, my advice would be to call your doctor & make an appointment. Good luck for a fast recovery!

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I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.