New to Club Not Devices

Hi All,
Just wanted to expain a little about myself. I just got home from the hospital, after being there for almost a week. During this stay I recieved my 2nd pm and 4th device. First pm was implanted in jan 2003 but had to be removed within 6 months due to infection. After removal and nothing replaced did fairly well till Oct 2008 same symptoms as before began again, no clear reason why. Fainting episodes become more and more frequent, and as a last resort cardiologist put in a reveal monitor to try and document what was going on. However, within two weeks this also was infected, so had to be removed. Cardio basically gave up and told me he didn't know what else to do or where to send me. Ended up going to Mayo Clinic for 7 weeks,during this time all teeth were removed as possible source of infection, and a 2nd Reveal monitor/ 3rd device was implanted, however due to hard stick for IVs and blood procedure was done with no antibiotics or pain meds. Three days later after seeing IM doc presented to ER only to find out that 3rd device would have to come out sooon. This was done on April 13th and I returned home on April 17th,luckily I was able to concvince Mayo to send me home with an event recorder to try and capture my episodes..THis descision paid off last Monday evening Tuesday Morn., when I had what i call a major episode in which two recordings were saved and called to Mayo, they instructed me to proceed to Austin as we had been trying to set me up with a new cardio in at least the same state as me. I arrived at an ER explained my problems went through all the ususal tests and questions, probably would have been released but in a suprise set of events found out I had a white count of over 41,000 high normal is 10,0000. Based on this and my faintng episodes I was admitted to cardio, Internal med, and infect. diseases. Cardio said probalby wouln't do anything but just watch for a few days. Luckily during these few days my system would change their minds about treatments. On Thurs, saw EP dr who started me on midodirine and suda fed to try and increase hr. within an hour of recieving these meds The nurses were calling a code blue or the step before one, because my HR was 35 and below showing a block somesort. OBlivously new meds didn;t help hr only increased bp. Overnight Thurs was not very good had to recieve 2 doses of Atropine in an attempt to increase Hr only did BP and Hr for brief period. Friday morn was informed by EP doc he changed his treatment plan I would be recieving another PM the next day due to meds not working like he thought they would. Well as i said before I am now currently at home on an antibiotic for a week and schedueled to see EP for wound check on Fri 22nd Sorry this is so long but thought my history needed explaining also need your prayers for NOOOO more infections.



by Suze - 2009-05-19 09:05:25

My goodness, you've been through a lot haven't you? Have you always been prone to infections? Or is this a recent problem?

Hopefully someone on here can give you some advice or answers. All I can do is give a big welcome to you. I'm glad you found us.

And I can pray for the end of these infections.

Hang in there,

Infections and Blood pH

by wiredwoman - 2009-05-19 09:05:27

'm so sorry to hear you're having such a rough time! I'm not a doctor, but I'll make a suggestion based on my own experience with infections - years ago I got them all the time. When things settle down a bit and you're not feeling as overwhelmed as you probably are now, you might want to check into blood pH.

Normal blood pH is slightly alkaline - 7.35-7.45. When it dips - from stress, an acidic diet, certain metabolic or respiratory conditions, or medications - bacteria and viruses thrive. That means, so do infections. They need that kind of environment to exist. Achieving and maintaining alkaline blood is the best way I know to help avoid, mitigate, arrest - and even reverse anything from infections to autoimmune and degenerative diseases. Most people today run varying degrees of acidic - and are varying degrees of unwell. (I'm referring to blood pH, not intestinal pH, which needs to be acidic)

There are many Google links for 'alkaline foods' , 'blood pH' or 'acid-alkaline balance'. Books too. You can even test your own blood pH if you really want to, but symptoms usually tell the story. I never test mine - to me, worrying about numbers in itself is stressful and therefore counterproductive. But I know the signs very well after all these years, and can get myself quickly back on track when I veer off. It seems unlikely to me that you could have all of these infections without running very acidic, whether from diet alone, or some other cause(s). The good news is, it's something you can do something about.

There's nothing more disempowering and few things more stressful than feeling as though your body is a runaway train and that you have no ability to change things. You can do things to help yourself feel better - you really can.

Best Wishes for Your Renewed Health ~


Faith can do it

by de-blessed - 2009-05-21 11:05:45

OH my you've been through it. your story is touching thats why i'm reaching out to you. Hope that you will continue to have courage and be encouraged don't give up and keep fighting..Have faith things ARE gonna get better and have that not gonna worry mindset (easier said than done) but FAITH is the things HOPED for... I will definetly pray for you..good blessings

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Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.