21, pregnant with pacemaker READ ON

Im not quite sure what to do, or whats SAFE FOR ME...But I just turned 21 and had 2 Heart valve Replacement heart surgerys 2 Pacemaker surgerys, several seizures during the last surgery which caused me to have to re lern everything-how to walk, talk, read, add, and even lost my hearing aand vision for a little while and permantely hae to wear hearing aids. Then I just got out of the hospital 5 days ago because I had a seizure out of nowhere on may 13th 2009, then at the hospital I find out I am pregnant. I do not know what is safe for me. I know that I was high risk of pregnancy but, everything looks good so far, but me, and my family are all very religious and do not believe in abortion but if me and the baby will die....what are my options? I cannot find help anywhere and my appointment with my cardioligiast isnt until next week? ANY ADVICE? I do not want to die, this was not a planned pregnancy..and i am stressed over this!



by Tracey_E - 2009-05-22 08:05:02

Your ob and cardiologist need to talk. You will likely be referred to a high risk ob, and whatever doctor is dealing with your seizures will need to be included also. Once they talk, they can tell you what you can expect, what your risks are. Just the pm and valve replacement should not be problem, it sounds like the challenge will be the seizures.

I'm so sorry you're in this situation. I feel the same way you do about abortion. I believe it's wrong and always told myself I could never do it, but none of us can say what we'd do in extenuating circumstances. Is it more wrong to bring a child into the world that may be motherless? Or to risk my life for a child that may not make it either? I really don't know the answer but what's right and wrong isn't always black and white. Pray for guidance. Talk to your pastor. Pray some more. God never gives us anything he doesn't also give us the strength to handle. Ask for his help, he'll tell you what to do.

I know it's easier said than done, but try to take it a day at a time and don't worry about hypothetical situations. You've already been through so much, you must be a very strong person. For now you don't have many facts or a prognosis, it's easy to imagine things are much worse than they are. I hope the doctors all talk and bring you good news. Stay strong and take care of yourself. Please let us know how you are doing.

Im Praying For You!!

by tactheemt - 2009-05-22 12:05:06


I am so sorry to hear all that your are going through, and what you have been through. I had a pacemaker at the age of 23, and I know its hard to understand why young people go through things they shouldn't.

I don't know a whole lot to say, but Tracey seems to have said a lot of great things. I used to work EMS, before I had a pacemaker. Now I cant because of lifting reasons due to pacemaker leads getting pulled. That was my dream job and I had to walk away from it, but God has something great in store for us in life. Although we are young we have the wisdom to know just how short life can be and I think that helps us live life to the fullest. Other young people seem to take advantage of their youth and live life recklessly. But because what we have been through we know to take extra time to tell those that mean the most that we love them, and spend as much time with our loved ones as we can, and that's a blessing in itself.

I know that you will be okay. God has you protected! That little life that's inside of you is there by no mistake! I don't believe in abortion either! Just know that God has blessed doctors, and specialists with the knowledge, and wisdom to take care of you, and your baby. They will consider you as a high risk pregnancy, but they will know which seizure medication to give you that will not affect your baby. They probably will put you on bed rest earlier in your pregnancy if you run into problems. You and your baby will be closely monitored during your pregnancy too. Just keep all your appointments and follow there instructions and I think everything will be okay.

I'm praying for you, your family, and that you will have an uneventful pregnancy. God is in control, Never give up hope. Please keep us updated! If you ever need to talk to someone please feel free to leave me a message. I know needing pacemaker so young can make you feel alone and it seems like friends don't quite understand what you are going through. I wouldn't want anyone to ever feel that way! So please let me know if you ever want to talk!

Get well soon!

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