
If anyone remembers, 6 weeks ago today I went and asked my pm tech to increase my upper limit. (42, heart block, upper limit 130). The tech was horrible to me. Irritable, condecending-and wouldn't make the change. Well, today I went for the follow up to track the change she did make, and lo and behold she turned my upper limit up! Thanks to all of you who were so supportive-Tracey, Snitch, Magster, Frank, and anyone I forgot (sorry if I forgot you!)




by Tracey_E - 2009-10-19 09:10:16

That's great to hear! So, are you feeling pretty good now?

You know you're wired when...

Bad hair days can be blamed on your device shorting out.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.