blood clots

I haven't posted in a while, but is there anyone with this problem, I had my pacemaker/difibl since 3/09, my left arm and upper left body is always in pain and swelling, I can't use that arm for anything, last july i was in hospital because they found a blood clot in my left arm I was put on cumodin for 9 weeks, Well my arm never improved, so I went and had a ultra sound done this moring, and I have a blood clot in same arm and cyst where my device is, they put me on 2 blood thinners, one is a pill cumodin and they other is a needle that i have to stick in my stomache for the next 5 days, and pain pills. My primary doctors did blood work to see if something beside the device is causing the clots, if not then it's my device. anyone been through this, please help


DVT after Device

by jvaltos - 2010-03-31 11:03:06

So, the data on this is interesting. What you have is a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) after device implantation.

This happens very frequently (about 1:15 patients) but is often clinically silent (no one knows) because the arm doesn't swell. In fact, your body grows collaterals (other vessels) around the blockage and life goes on.

Now, in some people this becomes a problem because the extra vessels don't grow fast enough and the arm swells.

The treatments vary by timing and institution:
Early (few days) people can be given IV clot busters (this is a little too aggressive for me)

After a few weeks-typically Coumadin for 6 months or Aspirin and warm compresses. Lovenox (the belly injections are given if the doctor is worried about the clot going to your lungs)

After a year or so-Coumadin '

Also, always check the pacemaker and determine if working (lead fractures, etc) and check for infection.

Good Luck!


Not Something To Ignore ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-03-31 11:03:44

Be sure you and your Dr's. stay "on top" of this situation. I developed the DVT in a lower leg in 3/09 even before a PM was needed/discussed 10/09.

I will be taking the "rat poisoning", Coumadin=Warfarin the rest of my life the Dr. said. The Lovenox shots for a week after my release from the hospital were no fun! I do not tolerate pain very well, much less giving my own self shots! A "home nurse" visiting would be nice.

My cardio. Dr. said the FDA is testing a new med to replace the "rat poisoning" which would not require the patient to have the INR blood tests. He thought it would be out this year ~ I have not heard anymore since last year. I go to him in mid April and will try to ask.

Prayers to you,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Spring Flowers/Smile

blood clots

by sugdaro2005 - 2010-03-31 11:03:58

Thank you so much Dr. JV, I do have swelling with mine and it beens this way almost a year, to use my left arm is very painful, the area where my device is, is still to tender to touch, and pain is in that area everyday!


by pacergirl - 2010-04-01 08:04:36

Hello sugdaro2005,

I have had exactly what you have. I had my left arm swell up on me to nearly the size of my leg! It turns out that the I had a DVT behind the pacemaker. I have the IV clot buster treatment and that did help some. It took 6 days in the hospital for that. Then the cumadin (sp?) therapy for months to include the injections. It was awful. My clot changed to scar tissue, my arm is still larger than the other one and I take an adult size asprin everyday to help prevent more colts. I pay attention to any swelling in my body now. It took a long time to recover, but I am ok now. I just got a new PM and the blood clots were my biggest concern. Hang in there, because it does get better. Blessings to you,

Need new glasses or sleep

by pacergirl - 2010-04-01 11:04:48

Hi, just wished to add that I was very tired when I typed the post above. I have now read it back and can see that I left out words and used the wrong one. The Aspirin helps prevent clots not colts! Oh well, if one can't laugh at oneself, then who can one laugh at? hahaha

Pacergirl :-)

blood clots

by sugdaro2005 - 2010-04-01 12:04:03

Thanks Carolyn G. in TEXAS.

blood clots

by roy haycock - 2010-04-12 08:04:47

I have an ICD with three leads in place, one of which had failed and has been left in place.
About 18 months ago I had a severly swollen left arm and it was diagnosed as a clot around the leads .I was on warfarin and aspirin at the time so the medico's were surprised the clot had formed. They decided not to do anything as other veins would take over from the blocked one.
I still have stiffness in the arm and often cannot raise it above shoulder lever without discomfort. However , I am told that nothing other that the removal of the ICD and leads and placing them in the other side of the chest is possible and the risks involved in doing this are too great.
I have a great deal of sympathy for you and hope that you will be able to come to terms with your problem.
Time is often the best healer.
best wishes,

You know you're wired when...

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Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.