More to deal with at Xmas

Hi, I’m just feeling a little sad and feeling sorry for myself but no one worry, I get over it. Had my PM implanted in Mar ’09, and there were some nasty complications. I expected to at least feel well afterward. If I just sit in a chair I feel fine. As soon as I move around get angina and tired. Sometimes just getting in bed at night was problem. I have griped at my Card.since I finally made it home. They made one adjustment to the PM and that was it. Upped the lasix and potassium, which stopped edema quite well but still tired and angina. Dr. finally gave in last Friday and sent me for a persantine test. They called me that afternoon to set an app’t with the Dr. for the soonest he’d be in the office, which was today
. I was pretty sure that was not a good thing. Sure enough, the test showed a 90% blockage in a heart artery. So, I’m off to the hospital tomorrow (the next day) and they’ll be doing a angiogram and if things go OK they’ll put in any stents that are needed. Hopefully this is suppose to solve the angina and tiredness, OMG I certainly hope so. Dr. said the odds were pretty good there’d be no problem even tho I am "fragile" his words, 1 in 500 .I just say I have really bad Karma. caffiene, no chocolate, etc.
If anyone happens to think of it, say a little prayer. I can use all the help I can get.



Feeling Sad

by Pookie - 2009-12-16 08:12:57

Hi Gretchen.

I can totally understand why you are feeling sad. Having had the angina and feeling tired of the time is probably no picnic to say the least.

I am sorry to hear that they have found a blockage, but at the same time I'm glad they found it NOW. My Dad had 2 or 3 stents put in back in November of 2003 and he is now 78 and is doing very well.

No chocolate & no caffeine???? For how long???? I couldn't survive without my daily cup of coffee and my handful (or more) of my M&M chocolate covered peanuts!!!!!!!! I hope this exclusion is only for a short time. And what did your doctor mean that you are "fragile"? Just curious.

Just think for a moment though; after you get your stents you will probably feel SOOOOOOO much better. I know it's not the best time of year to receive such news and have to go for the procedure, but sooner is better than later don't you think?

I'll think of you! I'll say a prayer for you.

Good luck, keep the spirit and your chin up.

And keep us posted on how you make out.


Prayers ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2009-12-16 12:12:35

Gretchen, you and many others who belong to the PM Club are all in our prayers around these holiday times and every day of the year. Think positive/good things.

Just think, with good doctors, after the holidays, you may "own" some of the stock in the "chocolate factories" & the coffee makers (ha-ha). At least, you will be sharing your chocolate treats with all of us, if in thoughts only.

We will be praying for you and eagerly waiting for your next "post" so we can "comment" to you.

God Bless, Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :

More to deal with atChristmas

by riodog - 2009-12-18 08:12:40

Thank you all for your comments. I appreciate the prayers and good wishes. It's Friday now and the stent(s) were done on Wed. I have my usual amnesia following a hospital stay. I remember going in, I remember the cath lab but...I do not remember the night or coming home. This gets really old. Thursday is just sort of blank. However, I think something helped b/c I haven't had angina since Tues. I went to Barnes and Noble this Fri. a.m. as I usually do and I should have stayed home. I got very tired and the groin area where they went in got achy on me. A nap took care of that but I'm now going to be lazy till Sat. nite when our daughter gets home for Christmas. Got to get her gifts wrapped too. My breathing is better also. I am hopeful for the first time since late last March. She's career military and is retiring this coming Sept. after 22 yrs in the Air Force. We're so proud of her. Thanks again for the comments and prayers, they helped.


Loss of caffeine was temporary.. I'm back to my mocha in the a.m. Thank Goodness. By Fragile the Cardiologist means that anything that can go wrong probably will. My veins and arteries are small, tend to collapse etc. So far he and I have been thru closing a hole in by heart, a very dicey PM inplant with complications, angina, CHF and some other stuff I can't remember, God Bless. Thank You.

Glad you feel better

by Hot Heart - 2009-12-20 04:12:27

HH x

You know you're wired when...

You can hear your heartbeat in your cell phone.

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