It's been a rough evening

I volunteer work at the local charity shop. I decorate and design window displays. It happens every so often that I am left at the store all by myself. I arrived at the store this evening while everyone else was still there. The store closed and they locked up, but I wasn't finished so I stayed behind. It took about 20 min. for me to finished and I went to look for my keys so I could leave. I discovered that I was locked in without my shop keys! They were in my car! I began to panic because I also did not have my phone numbers. I only had my short key ring with my remote, to my car. After about an hour I I sent a text message to my girlfriend and she drove to the store, using the remote I unlocked my car with and she searched my car hoping to find the keys to the shop. Thank goodness she found them, opened the shop door and let me out.
Though this whole ordeal, my heart never went into racing mode. I did break out in a sweat, my heart rate did go up a bit but it never reached the 160 180 that it would have done before the PM. I suffer from panic attacks under situations like this and I have to tell you I was getting very upset when I realized that I could not get out. I was just about to loose it when my girlfriend came to my rescue. I did not want to call the local police! It would have been all over town in 5 seconds! It's a very small town of about 5,000 people.

Thank goodness for girlfriends, found keys and pacemakers!


Gratitudes ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-04-17 01:04:10

Congrats Pacergirl. Doesn't it make you feel so much better physically and mentally to do volunteer work for other people/charities. It is a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Good for you in keeping your "cool" and working out your lil' "bump in the road" between you and friend(s).

Thank Goodness for Friends, Volunteers and the PM Club Families. The local police thank you too for not calling them out for a simple solution you fixed.

Take care,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Lemons? Make Lemonade ~


by pacergirl - 2010-04-17 09:04:29

OnStar! She is going to love it when I tell her what you said. I would not have thought of it all by myself. I will tell her that Zombie came up with it. :-) Thanks!

Yes, Carolyn, doing charity work is very rewarding and it does make me feel good. To affect peoples live in such a positive way often times make me feel even better than the people that we help! Thank you for your kind words and the kindness you show others everyday. I did keep my cool didn't I! Yippee. I feel proud of myself.

To phone the police would have taken them away from perhaps a real emergency and that was not something I wanted to do. I have been the REAL emergency and they were there when I really, really needed them.
Also, My friend "OnStar" gets to feel good about this for a long time... so it wasn't all bad.

Thank you for your all your comments,
Take care,

Pacer girl

by LS - 2010-04-17 10:04:37

So glad it all worked out for you!!

Happy ending!

by heartu - 2010-04-17 12:04:45

Sounds like something I would do. Yeah, I did. Locked myself in the basement. Luckily a freezer full of food and ice cream. I was a bad girl at the time. No spoon so stuck my face right in that container. Hubby found me , shook his head, pointed at me and laughed.

I live in a small town too. About 2000 people. Swore my husband to secrecy, if he knew what was good for him.

PS, my daughter is a sophomore in high school. While they are not required to participate, they are recognized at graduation if they perform 65 hours of community service outside of their normal school club activities. By the end of this school year, she will have over 150 hours.I volunteer at the elementary schools. We just love it!

You know you're wired when...

Intel inside is your motto.

Member Quotes

I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.