Parasympathetic system

This question may be way out there, but here goes. My PM was implanted in April of this year, and it was to correct heart block that was a complication of an ablation to correct WPW / SVT that I have been struggling with.

Long story made longer, I still seem to be struggling from SVT but mainly in the evening when I am "at rest", like sitting on the couch or lying in bed trying to sleep. Some things that I have read talk about vagal stimulation and the parasympathetic nervous system.

Does anyone else seem to stimulate arrythmias because of their body position (like from a squatting position if working out, a seated position from driving) or from being at rest (prone position lying down) after being active all day working etc.??? I can get into bed with my wife (keep it clean, now...) and just the act of relaxing and being near my wife seems to send my parasympathetic stimulation HAYWIRE.

Thoughts? Thanks



by DC Pacer - 2009-07-22 08:07:29

Thanks for the feedback - this has been a learning process and while my doctor has been good to me, his standard response is often referenced here "It's okay / Don't worry about it".

I am tired of this answer, and that is why I am here!


your question is not "way out there"

by Angelie - 2009-07-22 11:07:44

Believe me, in this forum there is no "way out there" question.

My parasympathetic nervous system has pretty much been whacked my entire life. I think God fired the good electrician when He was putting me together on the line.

I don't have much more to tell you than that my heart races too sometimes with the slightest position change. My primary doctor has told me that he's seen 90 year old women's systems respond better than mine when just making the transition from the chair to the exam table. Doing so used to make my heart rate soar through the roof. I've since had many ablations and have some sort of AV dissociation which helps my heart rate, but my upper chambers still do a little dance.......make a little love.....get down tonight.
It's a good thing they do, cause I sure can't anymore....LOL..

Hang in there,

Im a bit late in replying, sorry.

by IanMcC - 2009-08-16 10:08:23

Hi Dave, I have just been browsing the site and came across your post, I am a bit late in replying but I hope you get to read this anyway. I have the same symptoms as you, if I am lounging back on the couch I get arrithmias and if I am leaning too far foreward, over a work bench for example, and when I first go to bed and lie down, I am 3 years post pm now and still experimenting, I have been on betta blockers for the last year trying to stop these symptoms but all they did was give me dead legs and tight chest when exercising.
I have stopped taking them the last 2 weeks. My latest theory is that I may be causing some of it by what I eat.
Last night I had a piece of chockolate before going to bed and went into arrithmias for an hour before I could get to sleep, I think its the caffeene. So you are not alone, all the best, Ian.

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