Sporting clays

I know there are some firearms fans on here - went out on Friday and shot sporting clays with a customer.

Had a great time, didn't "worry" about disconnecting a lead or anything - except for a moment where I decided things were so damn perfect I would be okay "going out" right there :) It was absolutely beautiful in central Kentucky on Friday afternoon.

Shot a 71 out of 100, 12 gauge over under...


ha ha!

by pacergirl - 2009-11-09 08:11:00

Now I know what I'm going to do on my next visit to D.C.! I'm going to drive up to PA to see the trees and meet some pacer friends, drive to Kentucky and do some shootin' then maybe we'll stop in and see our daughter.

I hope you all have a great day and a wonderful week =)


P.S. I love the outdoors and outdoor activities!

Club Here!

by GMan - 2009-11-09 08:11:40

We have a club here at Nemacolin Woodlands. Open to everyone. Real nice. Glad to hear you had some fun!


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.