chest swelling

wondering if anyone has had any swelling in the middle of their chest between breast. Woke up this morning with a soft bulge between my breast called my cardiologist and he just made me an appointment for later in the week. It does have me worried have had my new pacemaker for 5 months and wires are 9 years old. appreciate any suggestions or help thanks



by FirstDuely - 2010-02-09 05:02:03

Lifted anything heavy lately? If I do lifting I have a tendency to get really sore muscles over the sternum and there can be some swelling. This usually occurs when I have done no lifting for awhile. I don't lift weights as a rule. I ride a bike lots to get my workouts. But if I go and lift a bag of cement while working in the yard I get sore within 24 hours. That's the first question my wife asks when I start complaining to her.
Also, I once had an inflammation sort of around and near the pacer not too long after my last replacement. You could have rolled over on it at night and irritated the tissues surrounding the pm.
Does it hurt? Is the site reddish? When you press on it does it hurt? Might just be that you bruised it somewhere in the last few days. At 5 months the pacer may not yet be fully surrounded by "cushioning" tissues or fat cells (padding).
Your doctor is probably thinking this last idea is what is happening. If it is infected then he'll prescribe antibiotics. If just bruised then ice it and reduce the swelling. That's what I did and haven't had a problem since.
I am assuming you have no other symptoms that would suggest the pacer is the problem but rereading your post I would not think so. I have had 8 pacers so far and most every one had been fairly routine.
I'm not a doctor but then my doctor has never had a pacer in the 24 years I've been seeing him. Just been there where you are a few times and done that kind of experience helps me get past these "glitches".
While there talk to doctor about getting you set up for your activity level, whatever that might be.
Good luck and if it were me I wouldn't worry too much.
Gary in Hemet

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